View Source Tds.Protocol.Collation (Tds v2.3.5)

The collation rule is used to specify collation information for character data or metadata describing character data.

This is typically specified as part of the LOGIN7 message or part of a column definition in server results containing character data.

For more information about column definition, see COLMETADATA in MS-TDS.pdf.



@type t() :: %Tds.Protocol.Collation{
  codepage: String.t() | :RAW,
  col_flags: non_neg_integer(),
  lcid: nil | non_neg_integer(),
  sort_id: non_neg_integer(),
  version: non_neg_integer()


@spec decode(binary()) :: {:ok, t()} | {:error, :more} | {:error, any()}
@spec encode(t()) :: {:ok, <<_::40>>}