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First, to use mix, the archive must be installed.

To install Igniter, run:

mix archive.install hex igniter_new

Then, install Tectonic:

mix igniter.install tectonic

By default, the Tectonic binary will be automatically installed/updated at application startup.

You can also install it manually by running:

$ mix tectonic.install

or if your platform isn't officially supported by Tectonic, you can supply a third party path to the binary:

$ mix tectonic.install [url]

And invoke tectonic with:

$ mix tectonic default -X compile --untrusted myfile.tex

You can also use it within your Elixir code:, ~w[-X compile myfile.tex])

The executable is kept at _build/tectonic-TARGET. Where TARGET is your system target architecture.


The first argument to tectonic is the execution profile. You can define multiple execution profiles with the current directory, the OS environment, and default arguments to the tectonic task:

config :tectonic,
  version: "0.15.0",
  compile: [
    cd: "/tmp",
    env: %{TECTONIC_UNTRUSTED_MODE: true},
    args: ~w(
      -X compile

When mix tectonic compile is invoked, the task arguments will be appended to the ones configured above. Note profiles must be configured in your config/config.exs, as tectonic runs without starting your application (and therefore it won't pick settings in config/runtime.exs).