View Source Telemetria (telemetria v0.16.0)

Telemetría is the opinionated wrapper for :telemetry providing handy macros to attach telemetry events to any function, private function, anonymous functions (on per-clause basis) and just random set of expressions.

Telemetría exports three macros:

  • deft/2 which is wrapping Kernel.def/2
  • defpt/2 which is wrapping Kernel.defp/2
  • t/2 which is wrapping the expression passed as the first parameter and adds the options passed as a keyword to the second parameter to the context of the respective telemetry event

Telemetría allows compile-time telemetry events definition and provides a compiler that is responsible for incremental builds and updates of the list of events telemetry is aware about.


Telemetría takes care about managing events in the target application, makes it a single-letter change to turn a function into a function wrapped with telemetry call, measuring the execution time out of the box.

It also allows to easily convert expressions to be be telemetry-aware.

Besides that, telemetry: false flag allows to purge the calls in compile-time resulting in zero overhead (useful for benchmark, or like.)


You need to include the compiler in mix.exs:

defmodule MyApp.MixProject do
  def project do
      # ...
      compilers: [:telemetria | Mix.compilers()],
      # ...
  # ...

In the modules you want to add telemetry to, you should require Telemetria (or, preferably, import Telemetria to make it available without FQN.) Once imported, the macros are available and tracked by the compiler.

defmodule MyMod do
  import Telemetria

  defpt pi, do: 3.14
  deft answer, do: 42 - pi()

  def inner do
    short_result = t(42 * 42)
    result =
      t do
        # long calculations

Use in releases

:telemetria compiler keeps track of the events in the compiler manifest file to support incremental builds. Also it spits out config/.telemetria.config.json config for convenience. It might be used in in the release configuration as shown below.

releases: [
  configured: [
    # ...,
    config_providers: [{Telemetria.ConfigProvider, "/etc/telemetria.json"}]


  • :otp_app (atom/0) - OTP application this telemetry is attached to. The default value is :telemetria.

  • :enabled (boolean/0) - Specifies whether telemetry should be enabled. The default value is true.

  • :level - Telemetria level to skip logging beyond, as in Logger The default value is :debug.

  • :purge_level - Telemetria level to purge beyond, as in Logger The default value is :debug.

  • :strict (boolean/0) - Ignore @telemetria tags without if clause The default value is false.

  • :smart_log (boolean/0) - Log format to use; when true, custom json would be used The default value is false.

  • :applications (keyword/0) - List the applications to enable Telemetria support for, with parameters The default value is [].

  • :json_config_path (String.t/0) - Relative path to JSON config The default value is "config/.telemetria.config.json".

  • :events - The application-specific events.

    See :telemetry.event_prefix/0 and :telemetry.event_name/0.

    The default value is [].

  • :handler - Event handler for this application’s telemetry events. Arity must be 4. The default value is {Telemetria.Handler.Default, :handle_event}.

  • :polling (keyword/0) - The default value is [enabled: false, flush: 5000, poll: 5000].

    • :enabled (boolean/0) - Specifies whether polling should be enabled. The default value is true.

    • :flush (non_neg_integer/0) - Flush interval. The default value is 5000.

    • :poll (non_neg_integer/0) - Poll interval. The default value is 5000.

  • :process_info (boolean/0) - Specifies whether each telemetry event should include process info. The default value is false.



Declares a private function with a telemetry attached, measuring execution time

Declares a function with a telemetry attached, measuring execution time

Attaches telemetry to anonymous function (per clause,) or to expression(s)


Link to this macro

defpt(call, expr)

View Source (macro)

Declares a private function with a telemetry attached, measuring execution time

Link to this macro

deft(call, expr)

View Source (macro)

Declares a function with a telemetry attached, measuring execution time

Link to this macro

t(ast, opts \\ [])

View Source (macro)

Attaches telemetry to anonymous function (per clause,) or to expression(s)

Link to this function

telemetry_prefix(env, call)

View Source
@spec telemetry_prefix(
  {atom(), keyword(), tuple()} | nil | maybe_improper_list()
) :: [atom()]