Tesla.Middleware.FormUrlencoded (tesla v1.6.0) View Source

Send request body as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Performs encoding of body from a Map such as %{"foo" => "bar"} into url encoded data.

Performs decoding of the response into a map when urlencoded and content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, so "foo=bar" becomes %{"foo" => "bar"}.


defmodule Myclient do
  use Tesla

  plug Tesla.Middleware.FormUrlencoded

Myclient.post("/url", %{key: :value})


Nested Maps

Natively, nested maps are not supported in the body, so %{"foo" => %{"bar" => "baz"}} won't be encoded and raise an error. Support for this specific case is obtained by configuring the middleware to encode (and decode) with Plug.Conn.Query

defmodule Myclient do
  use Tesla

  plug Tesla.Middleware.FormUrlencoded,
    encode: &Plug.Conn.Query.encode/1,
    decode: &Plug.Conn.Query.decode/1

Myclient.post("/url", %{key: %{nested: "value"}})

Link to this section Summary


Decode response body as querystring.

Encode response body as querystring.

Link to this section Functions

Decode response body as querystring.

It is used by Tesla.Middleware.DecodeFormUrlencoded.

Encode response body as querystring.

It is used by Tesla.Middleware.EncodeFormUrlencoded.