Text.Language (Text v0.2.0) View Source

A module to support natural language detection.

The primary models are implementations derived from Language Identification from Text Using N-gram Based Cumulative Frequency Addition

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Classify the natural language of a given text.

Detect the natural language of a given text.

Returns a list of the known classifiers that can be applied as a :classifer option to Text.Language.detect/2

Function to remove text elements that interfer with language detection.

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classify(text, options \\ [])

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Classify the natural language of a given text.


  • text is a binary text from which the language is detected.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :corpus is a module encapsulating a body of text in one or more natural languages.A corpus module implements the Text.Corpus behaviour. The default is Text.Corpus.Udhr which is implemented by the text_corpus_udhr package. This package must be installed as a dependency in order for this default to be used.

  • :classifier is the module used to detect the language. The default is Text.Language.Classifier.NaiveBayesian. Other classifiers are Text.Language.Classifier.RankOrder, Text.Classifier.CummulativeFrequency and Text.Language.Classifier.Spearman. Any module that implements the Text.Language.Classifier behaviour may be used.

  • :vocabulary is the vocabulary to be used. The default is hd(corpus.known_vocabularies()). Available vocabularies are returned from corpus.known_vocabularies/0.

  • :only is a list of languages to be used as candidates for the language of text. The default is corpus.known_languages/0 which is all the lanuages known to a given corpus.

  • :max_demand is used to determine the batch size for Flow.from_enumerable/1. The default is 20.


  • A list of 2-tuples in order of confidence with the first element being the BCP-47 language code and the second element being the score as determined by the requested classifier. The score has no meaning except to order the results by confidence level.
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detect(text, options \\ [])

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detect(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Text.language()} | {:error, {module(), String.t()}}

Detect the natural language of a given text.


  • text is a binary text from which the language is detected.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :corpus is a module encapsulating a body of text in one or more natural languages.A corpus module implements the Text.Corpus behaviour. The default is Text.Corpus.Udhr which is implemented by the text_corpus_udhr package. This package must be installed as a dependency in order for this default to be used.

  • :classifier is the module used to detect the language. The default is Text.Language.Classifier.NaiveBayesian. Other classifiers are Text.Language.Classifier.RankOrder, Text.Classifier.CummulativeFrequency and Text.Language.Classifier.Spearman. Any module that implements the Text.Language.Classifier behaviour may be used.

  • :vocabulary is the vocabulary to be used. The default is hd(corpus.known_vocabularies()). Available vocabularies are returned from corpus.known_vocabularies/0.

  • :only is a list of languages to be used as candidates for the language of text. The default is corpus.known_languages/0 which is all the lanuages known to a given corpus.

  • :max_demand is used to determine the batch size for Flow.from_enumerable/1. The default is 20.


  • A list of 2-tuples in order of confidence with the first element being the BCP-47 language code and the second element being the score as determined by the requested classifier. The score has no meaning except to order the results by confidence level.


known_classifiers() :: [Text.Language.Classifier.t(), ...]

Returns a list of the known classifiers that can be applied as a :classifer option to Text.Language.detect/2


normalize_text(String.t()) :: String.t()

Function to remove text elements that interfer with language detection.

Each corpus has a callback normalize_text/1 that is applied when training the classifier and when detecting language from natural text. If desired, the corpus can delegate to this function.


  • text is any String.t


  • A normalized String.t