View Source TFLiteElixir.InterpreterBuilder (tflite_elixir v0.3.7)
Build an interpreter capable of interpreting model.
Build the interpreter with the InterpreterBuilder.
Raising version of build/2
New InterpreterBuilder
Raising version of new/2
Sets the number of CPU threads to use for the interpreter.
Returns true
on success, {:error, reason}
on error.
Raising version of set_num_threads/2
Build the interpreter with the InterpreterBuilder.
Note: all Interpreters should be built with the InterpreterBuilder, which allocates memory for the Interpreter and does various set up tasks so that the Interpreter can read the provided model.
Raising version of build/2
@spec new( %TFLiteElixir.FlatBufferModel{ initialized: term(), minimum_runtime: term(), model: term() }, reference() ) :: nif_resource_ok() | nif_error()
New InterpreterBuilder
Raising version of new/2
Sets the number of CPU threads to use for the interpreter.
Returns true
on success, {:error, reason}
on error.
Raising version of set_num_threads/2