View Source API Reference tflite_elixir v0.3.7


This module contains some helper functions from the tflite namespace in TensorFlow Lite's codebase.

This module contains libcoral C++ API, which provides convenient functions to perform inferencing and on-device transfer learning with TensorFlow Lite models on Coral devices.

ErrorReporter to provide reporting destinations.

An RAII object that represents a read-only tflite model, copied from disk, or mmapped.

Experimental image classification module.

An interpreter for a graph of nodes that input and output from tensors.

Build an interpreter capable of interpreting model.

This built-in op resolver provides a list of TfLite delegates that could be applied by TfLite interpreter by default.

Quantization parameters that corresponds to the table QuantizationParameters in the TFLite Model schema file.

A typed multi-dimensional array used in Tensorflow Lite.

Runs basic tokenization such as punctuation spliting, lower casing.

Runs end-to-end tokenization.

Runs WordPiece tokenziation.

Mix Tasks

Image classification mix task: mix help classify_image

Image detection mix task: mix help detect_image

List all available Edge Tpu mix task: mix help list_edgetpu