thetvdb v1.2.0 TheTVDB

This module provides access to TheTVDB API.


This module supports multiple ways to authenticate with TheTVDB API.

If only interested in globally-scoped endpoints (such as fetching series/episode information), Authenticating via TheTVDB.authenticate/1 is all that's required.

Token refreshes are handled automatically by the library.

User Authentication

This module supports multi-user authentication. All functions in TheTVDB.User support an optional username. If the username is omitted, the last authenticated user will be used.

It is recommended that if multiple users have been authenticated, the username should be specified.

TheTVDB.authenticate(api_key, "johnDoe", acct_id)
# => :ok

# Fetch user authentication for johnDoe
# => {:ok, %TheTVDB.User{user_name: "johnDoe", ...}}

TheTVDB.authenticate(api_key, "jamesDean", acct_id)
# => :ok

# Fetch user authentication for jamesDean"jamesDean")
# => {:ok, %TheTVDB.User{user_name: "jamesDean", ...}}

Automatic retries

In the event of a service outage, requests will be retried using an exponential backoff strategy. The formula for the delay (in milliseconds) between requests is as follows:

(2 ** num_attempts) * backoff_multiplier


The parameters below are able to be configured by the user:

  • max_attempts - The maximum number of attempts for a single request (default: 5)
  • backoff_multiplier - See "Automatic retries" section above (default: 300)

To modify the default configuration, add the following to your config:

config :thetvdb,
  max_attempts: 10,
  backoff_multiplier: 500

Link to this section Summary


Authenticate with TheTVDB API. This will provide access to globally scoped endpoints.

Authenticate with TheTVDB API. This will provide access to both globally and user scoped endpoints.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function



authenticate(binary()) :: :ok | {:error, TheTVDB.NotAuthenticatedError.t()}

Authenticate with TheTVDB API. This will provide access to globally scoped endpoints.

Link to this function

authenticate(api_key, username, user_key)


authenticate(binary(), String.t(), binary()) ::
  :ok | {:error, TheTVDB.NotAuthenticatedError.t()}

Authenticate with TheTVDB API. This will provide access to both globally and user scoped endpoints.

Note: user_key corresponds to the "Account Identifier" under the user account page.

Link to this function



authenticate!(binary()) :: :ok

See authenticate/1.

Link to this function

authenticate!(api_key, username, user_key)


authenticate!(binary(), String.t(), binary()) :: :ok

See authenticate/3.