View Source Thumbnex.ExtractFrame (thumbnex v0.5.0)



Extract multiple frames from the input file. Specify the number of frames, and the frames per second, to output.

Extract a single frame from the input file.


Link to this function

multiple_frames(file_path, frame_count, fps, opts \\ [])

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@spec multiple_frames(
  file_path :: binary(),
  frame_count :: non_neg_integer(),
  fps :: non_neg_integer(),
  opts :: keyword()
) ::
  {:ok, binary()}
  | {:error, {Collectable.t(), exit_status :: non_neg_integer()}}

Extract multiple frames from the input file. Specify the number of frames, and the frames per second, to output.

Returns a tuple with :ok and the path of the output file (a single file containing multiple frames) or :error and the cmd output and exit status


  • :output_path - Where to store the resulting file. Defaults to temporary file.
  • :output_ext - File extension for output. Ignored if :output_path is set. Defaults to ".gif".
Link to this function

single_frame(file_path, time_offset_seconds, opts \\ [])

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@spec single_frame(
  file_path :: binary(),
  time_offset_seconds :: non_neg_integer(),
  opts :: keyword()
) ::
  {:ok, binary()}
  | {:error, {Collectable.t(), exit_status :: non_neg_integer()}}

Extract a single frame from the input file.

Specify the time offset in seconds (0 for still images).

Returns a tuple with :ok and the path of the single frame image file or :error and cmd output and exit status


  • :output_path - Where to store the resulting file. Defaults to temporary file.
  • :output_ext - File extension for output. Ignored if :output_path is set. Defaults to ".png".