Handles looking up the local timezone configuration for the current machine.
lookup() | Looks up the local timezone configuration. Returns the name of a timezone in the Olson database |
lookup(date) | |
parse_tzfile(tzdata) | Given a binary representing the data from a tzfile (not the source version), parses out the timezone for the provided reference date, or current UTC time if one wasn’t provided |
parse_tzfile(tzdata, reference_date) |
Looks up the local timezone configuration. Returns the name of a timezone in the Olson database.
- lookup(Timex.DateTime.t | nil) :: String.t
Given a binary representing the data from a tzfile (not the source version), parses out the timezone for the provided reference date, or current UTC time if one wasn’t provided.
- parse_tzfile(binary, Timex.DateTime.t | nil) :: {:ok, String.t} | {:error, term}