
Date formatting language defined by the strftime function from the Standard C Library.

This implementation in Elixir is mostly compatible with strftime. The exception is the absence of locale-depended results. All directives that imply textual result will produce English names and abbreviations.

A complete reference of the directives implemented here is given below.

Directive format

A directive is marked by the percent sign (%) followed by one character (<directive>). In addition, a few optional specifiers can be inserted in-between:


Supported flags:

<width> is a non-negative decimal number specifying the minimum field width.

<modifier> can be E or O. These are locale-sensitive modifiers, and as such they are currently ignored by this implementation.

List of all directives

Years and centuries


Days, and days of week



Time zones

Compound directives


format!(date, format_string)

Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format!/2

format(date, format_string)

Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format/2


Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.tokenize/1


format(date, format_string)


  • format(%Timex.DateTime{calendar: term, day: term, hour: term, minute: term, month: term, ms: term, second: term, timezone: term, year: term}, String.t) :: {:ok, String.t} | {:error, term}

Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format/2.

format!(date, format_string)


  • format!(%Timex.DateTime{calendar: term, day: term, hour: term, minute: term, month: term, ms: term, second: term, timezone: term, year: term}, String.t) :: String.t | no_return

Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format!/2.



  • tokenize(String.t) :: {:ok, [%Timex.Parsers.DateFormat.Directive{format: term, len: term, match: term, max: term, min: term, optional: term, pad: term, pad_type: term, raw: term, token: term, type: term, validate: term}]} | {:error, term}

Callback implementation of Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.tokenize/1.