All relevant timezone information for a given period, i.e. Europe/Moscow on March 3rd, 2013
is the name of the zone, but does not indicate anything about the current period (i.e. CST vs CDT)abbreviation
is the abbreviated name for the zone in the current period, i.e. “America/Chicago” on 3/30/15 is “CDT”offset_std
is the offset in minutes from standard time for this periodoffset_utc
is the offset in minutes from UTC for this period Spec:day_of_week
: :sunday, :monday, :tuesday, etcdatetime
: {{year, month, day}, {hour, minute, second}}from
: :min | :max | {day_of_week, datetime}, when this zone startsuntil
: :min | :max | {day_of_week, datetime}, when this zone ends