View Source Timex.Timezone (timex v3.7.11)

This module is used for looking up the timezone information for a given point in time, in the desired zone. Timezones are dependent not only on locale, but the date and time for which you are querying. For instance, the timezone offset from UTC for Europe/Moscow is different for March 3rd of 2015, than it was in 2013. These differences are important, and as such, all functions in this module are date/time sensitive, and where omitted, the current date/time are assumed.

In addition to lookups, this module also does conversion of datetimes from one timezone period to another, and determining the difference between a date in one timezone period and the same date/time in another timezone period.

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Shifts the provided DateTime to the beginning of the day in it's timezone

Convert a date to the given timezone (either TimezoneInfo or a timezone name)

Shifts the provided DateTime to the end of the day in it's timezone

Determines if a given zone name exists

Gets timezone info for a given zone name and date. The date provided can either be an Erlang datetime tuple, or a DateTime struct, and if one is not provided, then the current date and time is returned.

Same as get/2, but allows specifying whether to obtain the TimezoneInfo based on utc time or wall time manually (:utc or :wall respectively).

Gets the local timezone configuration for the current date and time.

Gets the local timezone configuration for the provided date and time. The provided date and time can either be an Erlang datetime tuple, or a DateTime struct.

This function takes one of the varying timezone representations

Given a timezone name as a string, and a date/time in the form of the number of seconds since year zero, attempt to resolve a TimezoneInfo for that date/time. If the time is ambiguous, AmbiguousTimezoneInfo will be returned. If no result is found, an error will be returned.

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@spec beginning_of_day(DateTime.t()) :: DateTime.t()

Shifts the provided DateTime to the beginning of the day in it's timezone

@spec convert(
  date :: DateTime.t() | NaiveDateTime.t(),
  tz :: Timex.AmbiguousTimezoneInfo.t()
) ::
  Timex.AmbiguousDateTime.t() | {:error, term()}
@spec convert(
  date :: DateTime.t() | NaiveDateTime.t(),
  tz :: Timex.TimezoneInfo.t() | Timex.Types.valid_timezone()
) :: DateTime.t() | Timex.AmbiguousDateTime.t() | {:error, term()}

Convert a date to the given timezone (either TimezoneInfo or a timezone name)

@spec end_of_day(DateTime.t()) :: DateTime.t()

Shifts the provided DateTime to the end of the day in it's timezone

@spec exists?(String.t()) :: boolean()

Determines if a given zone name exists

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get(tz, datetime \\ NaiveDateTime.utc_now())

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Gets timezone info for a given zone name and date. The date provided can either be an Erlang datetime tuple, or a DateTime struct, and if one is not provided, then the current date and time is returned.

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get(tz, datetime, utc_or_wall)

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Same as get/2, but allows specifying whether to obtain the TimezoneInfo based on utc time or wall time manually (:utc or :wall respectively).

@spec local() ::
  Timex.TimezoneInfo.t() | Timex.AmbiguousTimezoneInfo.t() | {:error, term()}

Gets the local timezone configuration for the current date and time.

Gets the local timezone configuration for the provided date and time. The provided date and time can either be an Erlang datetime tuple, or a DateTime struct.

@spec name_of(
  | Timex.TimezoneInfo.t()
  | Timex.AmbiguousTimezoneInfo.t()
) ::
  String.t() | {:error, :time_zone_not_found} | {:error, term()}

This function takes one of the varying timezone representations:

  • atoms
  • offset integers
  • shortcut names (i.e. :utc, :local, "Z", "A")

and resolves the full name of the timezone if it's able.

If a string is provided which isn't recognized, it is returned untouched, only when get/2 is called will the timezone lookup fail.

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resolve(tzname, datetime, utc_or_wall \\ :wall)

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@spec resolve(String.t(), non_neg_integer(), :utc | :wall) ::
  Timex.TimezoneInfo.t() | Timex.AmbiguousTimezoneInfo.t() | {:error, term()}

Given a timezone name as a string, and a date/time in the form of the number of seconds since year zero, attempt to resolve a TimezoneInfo for that date/time. If the time is ambiguous, AmbiguousTimezoneInfo will be returned. If no result is found, an error will be returned.

If an invalid zone name is provided, an error will be returned

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total_offset(std_offset, utc_offset)

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tzdata_to_timezone(tzdata, zone)

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@spec tzdata_to_timezone(map(), String.t()) :: Timex.TimezoneInfo.t()