View Source Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized (timex v3.7.9)
Handles formatting timestamp values as human readable strings.
For formatting timestamps as points in time rather than intervals,
use Timex.format
Link to this section Summary
Return a human readable string representing the absolute value of duration (i.e. would return the same output for both negative and positive representations of a given duration)
Return a human readable string representing the time interval, translated to the given locale
Link to this section Functions
@spec format(Timex.Duration.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()}
Return a human readable string representing the absolute value of duration (i.e. would return the same output for both negative and positive representations of a given duration)
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({0, 1, 1_000_000}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.format
"2 seconds"
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({0, 1, 1_000_100}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.format
"2 seconds, 100 microseconds"
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({0, 65, 0}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.format
"1 minute, 5 seconds"
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({0, -65, 0}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.format
"1 minute, 5 seconds"
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({1435, 180354, 590264}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.format
"45 years, 6 months, 5 days, 21 hours, 12 minutes, 34 seconds, 590.264 milliseconds"
@spec lformat(Timex.Duration.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()}
Return a human readable string representing the time interval, translated to the given locale
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({0, 65, 0}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.lformat("ru")
"1 минута, 5 секунд"
iex> use Timex
...> Duration.from_erl({1435, 180354, 590264}) |> Elixir.Timex.Format.Duration.Formatters.Humanized.lformat("ru")
"45 лет, 6 месяцев, 5 дней, 21 час, 12 минут, 34 секунды, 590.264 миллисекунд"