API Reference tipalti v0.10.0


Tipalti integration library for Elixir.

Obtain or update payee info.

Payer functions.

Represents a Tipalti payer account balance.

Represents a Tipalti client error.

Represents a Tipalti custom field key/value pair.

Generate URLs for the Tipalti Invoice History iFrame.

Generate URLs for the Tipalti Payments History iFrame.

Generate URLs for the Tipalti Setup Process iFrame.

A router builder for handling incoming Tipalti Instant Payment Notifications (IPN).

Represents a Tipalti Invoice.

Represents a Tipalti Approver.

Represents a Tipalti Invoice Line.

Represents a simplified Tipalti Payee.

Represents a detailed Tipalti Payee.

Represents the properties of a detailed Tipalti Payee.

Represents a request error, which is either a server side HTTP error, or a failed request altogether.