Tirexs v0.8.15 Tirexs

Tirexs is split into several layers.

Raw HTTP layer:

  • Tirexs.ENV - the environment-specific %URI{} struct. The struct has been used for building the HTTP location.

  • Tirexs.HTTP - the elasticsearch REST APIs are exposed using JSON over HTTP. The bare-bone for sending HTTP requests and getting them back.

  • Tirexs.Resources - helps you to build an URN parts and compose them with %URI{}.

  • Tirexs.Resources.APIs - helps you to build an URN parts from set of available REST API helpers into request URL.

Multiple operations in single call:

DSL flavored helpers:

Please check https://github.com/Zatvobor/tirexs/tree/master/examples for getting more details what exactly Tirexs does for you.



bump(body, uri)

See Tirexs.Resources.bump/2.

bump!(body, uri)

See Tirexs.Resources.bump!/2.


See Tirexs.ENV.get_all_env/0.


See Tirexs.ENV.get_env/1.


See Tirexs.ENV.get_uri_env/0.


Utilities for managing code compilation, code evaluation and code loading, useful if you want to load DSL flavored things from standalone files.


Path.expand("examples/mapping.exs") |> Tirexs.load_file

These functions just delegate to Code module.

load_file(file, relative_to)

See Code.load_file/2.