Module tomerl

TOML parser module.


TOML parser module.

Data Types


maybe_number() = number() | nan | infinity | negative_infinity

Number type extended by nan and infinity values


section() = #{binary() => value()}

A TOML table


semantic_error() = semerr_redefinition() | semerr_inline()

Data-level error, meaning that data represented by TOML config is forbidden by TOML specification.


semerr_data_location() = [pos_integer() | string()]

Location of a semantic error in inline data (arrays and objects). The location is a path specified in terms appropriate for respective data types: key for objects, 1-based index for arrays.


semerr_inline() = {duplicate, Key::string(), semerr_data_location(), semerr_location()} | {type_mismatch, {Pos::pos_integer(), OffendingType::atom(), ExpectedType::atom()}, semerr_data_location(), semerr_location()}

Error signifying that inline object has two keys of the same name or an inline array has elements of different types.

Pos is a 1-based index in the array, ExpectedType is data type of the first array element, and OffendingType is the type of the first element that doesn't match.


semerr_location() = {Path::[string(), ...], CurLine::pos_integer(), PrevLine::pos_integer()}

Location information of semantic error. Path is name of the offending section and, if applicable, key.


semerr_redefinition() = {auto_section, key, semerr_location()} | {section, key | section | array_section, semerr_location()} | {array_section, key | section | auto_section, semerr_location()} | {key, key | section | auto_section | array_section, semerr_location()}

Error signifying that a key/section was already defined, either explicitly or implicitly. The structure of the error follows convention of {Type, PreviousType, semerr_location()}.

auto_section in Type means that there already exists a key with the same name as one of the parent sections of the current section.

auto_section in PreviousType means that the section was not defined explicitly, but earlier sections restrict how it could look like (i.e. a subsection was already defined).


toml_error() = {tokenize, Line::pos_integer()} | {parse, Line::pos_integer()} | {semantic, semantic_error()} | {bad_return, validate_location(), Result::term()}

Error in processing TOML.


validate_location() = {Section::[string()], Key::string(), Line::pos_integer()}

Location information of validation error (see validate_fun()).


value() = maybe_number() | binary() | boolean() | [value()] | section()

Valid TOML values

Function Index

get/2Utility function to access a value or sub-table by path.
parse/1Parse a TOML config from a string.
read_file/1Parse a TOML file on disk.

Function Details


get(Section::section(), T::[string() | binary() | atom()]) -> {ok, value()} | {error, not_found}

Utility function to access a value or sub-table by path


parse(String::string() | binary() | iolist()) -> {ok, section()} | {error, toml_error()}

Parse a TOML config from a string


read_file(File::file:name_all()) -> {ok, section()} | {error, ReadError | toml_error()}

Parse a TOML file on disk

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