TOML parser

Version: 0.5.0

Authors: Benedikt Reinartz (, Stanislaw Klekot (

See also: tomerl.

tomerl is an Erlang library application for parsing TOML data. It supports parsing version 1.0.0 of the TOML specification.

Usage Example

Assuming an input file called config.toml with the following content:

lipsum = "lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"

count = 2

has_some = true

the data can be read in Erlang like this:

{ok, Data} = tomerl:read_file("config.toml").

>>> Data = #{
    <<"lipsum">> => <<"lorem ipsum dolor sit amet">>,
    <<"apples">> => #{ <<"count">> => 2 },
    <<"berry">> => #{ <<"black">> => #{ <<"has_some">> => true }}

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