abstract datatype: date()
abstract datatype: datetime()
abstract datatype: datetime_offset()
day() = 1..31
hour() = 0..23
millisecond() = 0..999
minute() = 0..59
month() = 1..12
offset() = z | integer()
Timezone offset in minutes or z
second() = 0..60
t() = date() | time() | datetime() | datetime_offset()
abstract datatype: time()
year() = 1000..9999
format/1 | Format the date, time, or datetime in ISO8601 format. |
millisecond/1 | Get the millisecond information of an object. |
new_date/3 | |
new_datetime/2 | |
new_time/3 | |
new_time/4 | |
offset/1 | Get the timezone offset of a datetime. |
to_calendar/1 | Convert a tomerl date, time, or datetime object to the format used by Erlang's calendar module, dropping the timezone offset and millisecond information. |
type/1 | |
with_offset/2 |
format(T::t()) -> iolist()
Format the date, time, or datetime in ISO8601 format
millisecond(Datetime::datetime() | datetime_offset() | time()) -> millisecond()
Get the millisecond information of an object
new_datetime(Date::date(), Time::time()) -> datetime()
new_time(H::hour(), M::minute(), S::second(), Ms::millisecond()) -> time()
offset(Datetime_offset::datetime_offset()) -> offset()
offset(Datetime_offset::datetime()) -> undefined
Get the timezone offset of a datetime
to_calendar(Time::time()) -> calendar:time()
to_calendar(Time::date()) -> calendar:date()
to_calendar(Time::datetime()) -> calendar:datetime()
to_calendar(Time::datetime_offset()) -> calendar:datetime()
Convert a tomerl date, time, or datetime object to the format used by Erlang's calendar module, dropping the timezone offset and millisecond information
type(Time::term()) -> time | date | datetime | datetime_offset | undefined
with_offset(Datetime::datetime(), Offset::offset()) -> datetime_offset()
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