View Source Trunk.State (trunk v1.4.0)

This module defines a Trunk.State struct and provides some helper functions for working with that state.


The following fields are available in the state object. Some values are filled in during processing.

  • filename - The base filename of the file being processed. (e.g. "photo.jpg")
  • rootname - The root of the filen being processed. (e.g. "photo")
  • extname - The file extension of the file being processed. (e.g. ".jpg")
  • lower_extname - The file extension of the file being processed forced to lower case (e.g. "*.jpg", even if the file is "PHOTO.JPG")
  • path - The full path to the file being processed. If the file was passed in as a binary, it is a path to the temporary file created with that binary.
  • versions - A map of the versions and their respective Trunk.VersionState (e.g. %{original: %Trunk.VersionState{}, thumbnail: %Trunk.VersionState{}})
  • scope - A user struct/map passed in useful for determining storage locations and file naming.
  • async - A boolean indicator of whether processing will be done in parallel.
  • timeout - The timeout after which each processing process will be terminated. (Only applies with async: true)
  • storage - The module to use for storage processing. (e.g. Trunk.Storage.Filesystem or Trunk.Storage.S3)
  • storage_opts - A keyword list of options for the storage module
  • errors - a place to record errors encountered during processing. (nli if no errors, otherwise a map of errors)
  • opts - All the options merged together (see Options in Trunk module documentation).
  • assigns - shared user data as a map (Same as assigns in Plug.Conn)



Assigns a value to a key on the state.

Retrieves an assign value for a specific version.

Puts an error into the error map.

Restore a saved state from a filename, JSON, or a map

Extracts the data needed from the state in order to reconstruct the file paths in future.


@type assign_keys() :: [atom()]
@type file_info() :: String.t() | map()
@type opts() :: Keyword.t()
@type save_opts() :: [{:assigns, :all | assign_keys()}]
@type t() :: %Trunk.State{
  assigns: map(),
  async: boolean(),
  errors: Keyword.t(),
  extname: String.t(),
  filename: String.t(),
  lower_extname: String.t(),
  module: atom(),
  opts: opts(),
  path: String.t(),
  rootname: String.t(),
  scope: map() | struct(),
  storage: atom(),
  storage_opts: Keyword.t(),
  timeout: integer(),
  versions: map()
@type version() :: atom()


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assign(state, key, value)

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@spec assign(state :: t(), key :: any(), value :: any()) :: map()

Assigns a value to a key on the state.


iex> state.assigns[:hello]
iex> state = Trunk.State.assign(state, :hello, :world)
iex> state.assigns[:hello]
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get_version_assign(map, version, assign)

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@spec get_version_assign(state :: t(), version(), assign :: atom()) :: any() | nil

Retrieves an assign value for a specific version.


iex> state = %Trunk.State{versions: %{thumbnail: %Trunk.VersionState{assigns: %{hello: :world}}}}
iex> %Trunk.State.get_version_assign(state, :thumbnail, :hello)
iex> %Trunk.State.get_version_assign(state, :thumbnail, :unknown)
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put_error(state, version, stage, error)

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Puts an error into the error map.


iex> state.errors
iex> state = Trunk.State.put_error(state, :thumb, :transform, "Error with convert blah blah")
iex> state.errors
%{thumb: [transform: "Error with convert blah blah"]}
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restore(file_info, opts \\ [])

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@spec restore(file_info(), opts()) :: t()

Restore a saved state from a filename, JSON, or a map


iex> Trunk.State.restore("photo.jpg")
%Trunk.State{filename: "photo.jpg"}
iex> Trunk.State.restore(%{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
%Trunk.State{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
iex> Trunk.State.restore(%{"filename" => "photo.jpg", "assigns" => %{"hash" => "abcdef"}}
%Trunk.State{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
iex> Trunk.State.restore("{\"filename\": \"photo.jpg\", \"assigns\": {\"hash\": \"abcdef\"}}")
%Trunk.State{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
@spec save(t(), [{:as, :string} | save_opts()]) :: String.t()
@spec save(t(), [{:as, :json} | save_opts()]) :: String.t()
@spec save(t(), [{:as, :map} | save_opts()]) :: map()

Extracts the data needed from the state in order to reconstruct the file paths in future.


  • :as - How to save the state.
    • :string - Default, will just save the file name. An error will be raised if there are any assigns unless :ignore_assigns is set to tru
    • :map - will save a map with keys :filename, :assigns, and :version_assigns
    • :json - will save a map encoded as JSON (Requires Poison library to be included in deps)
  • :ignore_assigns boolean, default false. Use this to save as string and ignore any assigns (Make sure you’re not using assigns for Trunk.storage_dir/2 or Trunk.filename/2)
  • :assigns - a list of keys to save from the assigns hashes


iex>{filename: "photo.jpg"})
iex>{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}, as: :map)
%{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
iex>{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef", file_size: 12345}}, as: :map, assigns: [:hash])
%{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}
iex>{filename: "photo.jpg", assigns: %{hash: "abcdef"}}, as: :json)
"{\"filename\": \"photo.jpg\", \"assigns\": {\"hash\": \"abcdef\"}}"