tus v0.1.3 Tus View Source

An implementation of a tus.io server in Elixir

tus is a protocol based on HTTP for resumable file uploads. Resumable means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without re-uploading the previous data again.

An interruption may happen willingly, if the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of an network issue or server outage.

It’s currently capable of accepting uploads with arbitrary sizes and storing them locally on disk. Due to its modularization and extensibility, support for any cloud provider could easily be added.


This library implements the core TUS API v1.0.0 protocol and the following extensions:

  • Creation Protocol (http://tus.io/protocols/resumable-upload.html#creation). Deferring the upload’s length is not possible.
  • Termination Protocol (http://tus.io/protocols/resumable-upload.html#termination)


Add this repo to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:tus, "~> 0.1.0"},


1. Add new controller(s)

defmodule DemoWeb.UploadController do
  use DemoWeb, :controller
  use Tus.Controller

  # start upload optional callback
  def on_begin_upload(file) do
    :ok  # or {:error, reason} to reject the uplaod
  # Completed upload optional callback
  def on_complete_upload(file) do

2. Add routes for each of your upload controllers

scope "/files", DemoWeb do
    options "/",          UploadController, :options
    match :head, "/:uid", UploadController, :head
    post "/",             UploadController, :post
    patch "/:uid",        UploadController, :patch
    delete "/:uid",       UploadController, :delete

3. Add config for each controller (see next section)

Configuration (the global way)

# List here all of your upload controllers
config :tus, controllers: [DemoWeb.UploadController]

# This is the config for the DemoWeb.UploadController
config :tus, DemoWeb.UploadController,
  storage: Tus.Storage.Local,
  base_path: "priv/static/files/",

  cache: Tus.Cache.Memory,

  # max supported file size, in bytes (default 20 MB)
  max_size: 1024 * 1024 * 20
  • storage: module which handle storage file application This library includes only Tus.Storage.Local but you can install the tus_storage_s3 hex package to use Amazon S3.

  • cache: module for handling the temporary uploads metadata This library comes with Tus.Cache.Memory but you can install the tus_cache_redis hex package to use a Redis based one.

  • max_size: hard limit on the maximum size an uploaded file can have

Options for Tus.Storage.Local

  • base_path: where in the filesystem the uploaded files’ll be stored

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function str_supported_versions() View Source