View Source Implement Access behavior

Sometimes, you may want to use the get_in/2 and update_in/3 functions with your structs. This guide demonstrates how to effortlessly implement the Access behavior for your structs using a plugin.


Destructive operations

These operations are not allowed for the struct:

  • update :__struct__ key
  • pop a key

The functions will raise an ArgumentError if called. To enable these functionalities, override the get_and_update/3 and pop/2 functions.

defmodule Guides.Plugins.Accessible do
  @moduledoc """
  This plugin implements the `Access` behavior for the struct
  by delegating the `fetch/2`, `get_and_update/3`, and `pop/2`
  functions to the `Map` module.

  > #### Destructive operations  {: .warning}
  > These operations are not allowed for the struct:
  > * update `:__struct__` key
  > * pop a key
  > The functions will raise an `ArgumentError` if called.
  > To enable these functionalities, override the `get_and_update/3` and `pop/2` functions.

  ## Usage

      typed_structor do
        plugin TypedStructor.Plugins.Accessible

        # fields

  use TypedStructor.Plugin

  @impl TypedStructor.Plugin
  defmacro after_definition(_definition, _opts) do
    quote do
      @behaviour Access

      @impl Access
      defdelegate fetch(term, key), to: Map

      @impl Access
      def get_and_update(data, :__struct__, _function) do
        raise ArgumentError,
              "Cannot update `:__struct__` key." <>
                "To enable this functionality, implement `Access.get_and_update/3` for #{inspect(__MODULE__)} to override this behaviour."

      defdelegate get_and_update(data, key, function), to: Map

      @impl Access
      def pop(data, key) do
        raise ArgumentError,
              "Cannot pop `#{inspect(key)}` key.\n" <>
                "To enable this functionality, implement `Access.pop/2` for #{inspect(__MODULE__)} to override this behaviour."

      @defoverridable Access


defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor do
    plugin Guides.Plugins.Accessible

    field :name, String.t()
    field :age, integer()
iex> user = %User{name: "Phil", age: 20}
%User{name: "Phil", age: 20}
iex> get_in(user, [:name])
iex> put_in(user, [:name], "phil")
%User{name: "phil", age: 20}