View Source Tyyppi.T (tyyppi v0.12.3)

Raw type wrapper. All the macros exported by that module are available in Tyyppi. Require and use Tyyppi instead.

Link to this section Summary


The type information in a human-readable format.


Returns true if the type definition was loaded, false otherwise.

Link to this section Types

@type ast() :: Macro.t() | {module(), atom(), list() | nil | non_neg_integer()}
@type raw() ::
  {kind() | ast_lead(), non_neg_integer() | keyword(), simple() | [ast()],
@type t(wrapped) :: %Tyyppi.T{
  definition: raw() | nil,
  module: module(),
  name: atom(),
  params: [atom()],
  quoted: wrapped,
  source: binary() | nil,
  type: visibility()

The type information in a human-readable format.

For remote types, it’s gathered from Code.Typespec, for built-in like atom() it’s simply constructed on the fly.

Link to this section Functions

@spec loaded?(type :: t(wrapped)) :: boolean() when wrapped: term()

Returns true if the type definition was loaded, false otherwise.