u2f_ex v0.5.0 U2FEx.PKIStorageBehaviour behaviour

This is a way for you to store the key metadata required by u2f_ex in any manner you choose.

An example can be seen here:

defmodule App.PKIStorage do
  @behaviour U2FEx.PKIStorageBehaviour
  @moduledoc false
  import Ecto.Query

  alias App.U2FKeys

  @impl PKIStorageBehaviour
  def list_key_handles_for_user(user_id) do
    q =
    from(u in U2FKeys,
    where: u.id == ^user_id

    |> Repo.all()
    |> Enum.map(fn %U2FKeys{version: version, key_handle: key_handle, app_id: app_id} ->
      %{version: version, key_handle: key_handle, app_id: app_id}

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Types

Link to this type b64_string()
b64_string() :: String.t()

Link to this section Callbacks

Link to this callback get_public_key_for_user(user_id, key_handle)
get_public_key_for_user(user_id :: String.t(), key_handle :: b64_string()) ::
  {:ok, b64_string()} | {:error, :public_key_not_found}
Link to this callback list_key_handles_for_user(user_id)
list_key_handles_for_user(user_id :: String.t()) ::
       :version => String.t(),
       :key_handle => b64_string(),
       optional(:app_id) => String.t(),
       optional(:transports) => [map()]