Uncharted.Axes.MagnitudeAxis (uncharted v0.2.0) View Source

Exposes a struct representing configuration for an axis that has values that increase in a particular direction

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A function that takes a tuple with a minimum and maximum value that represents the min and max of a grid axis and a step value. This function is used to determine the spacial offsets of the labels on the axis and the gridlines of the chart.



The default function used to determine spacial offsets of labels along an axis, as well as grid_lines going across a chart.

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grid_lines_func() :: ({min(), max()}, step() -> [Float.t()])

A function that takes a tuple with a minimum and maximum value that represents the min and max of a grid axis and a step value. This function is used to determine the spacial offsets of the labels on the axis and the gridlines of the chart.


max() :: number()


min() :: number()


step() :: integer()


t() :: %Uncharted.Axes.MagnitudeAxis{
  grid_lines: grid_lines_func(),
  label: String.t() | nil,
  max: number(),
  min: number(),
  step: integer()

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default_grid_lines_fun(arg, step)

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default_grid_lines_fun({min(), max()}, step()) :: [Float.t()]

The default function used to determine spacial offsets of labels along an axis, as well as grid_lines going across a chart.

If you do not specify a different grid_lines_func function when you create a Uncharted.Axes.MagnitudeAxis struct, this implementation will be provided used.