API Reference uncharted v0.2.0


Uncharted is a simple Elixir charting library that generates easy to customize charts.

A defaultstruct implementation to represent configuration for axes.

Exposes a struct representing configuration for an axis that has values that increase in a particular direction

A struct for representing a cartesian plane's axes

A struct representing bar-level display properties.

Struct representing a dataset for a Uncharted basic bar chart.

This is the base chart implementation of the Chart protocol, and should be sufficient for most simple charting needs. Specific charts implement further protocols in the respective base_chart_impl.ex file within the chart type's folder.

Exposes a struct representing a basic data point

A struct representing column-level display properties.

Struct representing a dataset for a basic column chart.

Uncharted.DataProvider is a callback module for use in client applications. Implement the callbacks defined here in your application to provide the data that drives a chart's underlying Uncharted.dataset.

Definition of a gradient between colors

A struct representing a Line on a cartesian plane betwen two Uncharted.LineChart.Point structs

A struct representing a Point on an x, y coordinate chart

Struct representing a dataset for a basic pie chart.

A struct representing pie chart slice display properties.

Exposes a struct representing a data set that drives a Uncharted Progress Chart.