Uncharted (uncharted v0.2.0) View Source

Uncharted is a simple Elixir charting library that generates easy to customize charts.

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the top level structure that represents the information needed to display a chart

an atom representing a color that can be used anywhere in the chart where a color is needed

a struct representing the dataset that the chart uses. Dfferent charts needs similar but differing information so this is a union type

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chart() :: Uncharted.BaseChart.t() | gen_chart()

the top level structure that represents the information needed to display a chart


color_name() :: atom()

an atom representing a color that can be used anywhere in the chart where a color is needed


a struct representing the dataset that the chart uses. Dfferent charts needs similar but differing information so this is a union type


gen_chart() :: %{
  title: String.t(),
  colors: %{required(color_name()) => String.t() | Uncharted.Gradient.t()},
  dataset: dataset()