View Source Unicode.String (Unicode String v1.4.1)

This module provides functions that implement some of the Unicode standards:

  • The Unicode Case Mapping algorithm to provide mapping to upper, lower and title case text.

  • The Unicode Case Folding algorithm to provide case-independent equality checking irrespective of language or script.

  • The Unicode Segmentation algorithm to detect, break or split strings into grapheme clusters, words and sentences.

  • The Unicode Line Breaking algorithm to determine line break placement to support word-wrapping.



Returns match data indicating if the requested break is applicable at the point between the two string segments represented by {string_before, string_after}.

Returns a boolean indicating if the requested break is applicable at the point between the two string segments represented by {string_before, string_after}.

Converts all characters in the given string to lower case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.

Compares two strings in a case insensitive manner.

Returns next segment in a string.

Returms a list of locales that have special casing rules.

Splits a string according to the specified break type.

Returns an enumerable that splits a string on demand.

Return a stream that breaks a string into graphemes, words, sentences or line breaks.

Converts the given string to title case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.

Converts all characters in the given string to upper case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.


@type break_match() ::
  {break_or_no_break(), {String.t(), {String.t(), String.t()}}}
  | {break_or_no_break(), {String.t(), String.t()}}
@type break_or_no_break() :: :break | :no_break
@type break_type() :: :grapheme | :word | :line | :sentence
@type error_return() :: {:error, String.t()}
@type mode_or_language() :: :turkic | nil | %{language: atom()}
@type option() ::
  {:locale, String.t() | map()}
  | {:break, break_type()}
  | {:suppressions, boolean()}
@type split_option() ::
  {:locale, String.t() | map()}
  | {:break, break_type()}
  | {:suppressions, boolean()}
  | {:trim, boolean()}
@type string_interval() :: {String.t(), String.t()}


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break(arg, options \\ [])

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@spec break(string_interval :: string_interval(), options :: [option()]) ::
  break_match() | error_return()

Returns match data indicating if the requested break is applicable at the point between the two string segments represented by {string_before, string_after}.


  • string_interval is any 2-tuple consisting of the string before a possible break and the string after a possible break.

  • options is a keyword list of options.



A tuple indicating if a break would be applicable at this point between string_before and string_after.

  • {:break, {string_before, {matched_string, remaining_string}}} or

  • {:no_break, {string_before, {matched_string, remaining_string}}} or

  • {:error, reason}.


iex> Unicode.String.break {"This is ", "some words"}
{:break, {"This is ", {"s", "ome words"}}}

iex> Unicode.String.break {"This is ", "some words"}, break: :sentence
{:no_break, {"This is ", {"s", "ome words"}}}

iex> Unicode.String.break {"This is one. ", "This is some words."}, break: :sentence
{:break, {"This is one. ", {"T", "his is some words."}}}
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break?(arg, options \\ [])

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@spec break?(string_interval :: string_interval(), options :: [option()]) ::
  boolean() | no_return()

Returns a boolean indicating if the requested break is applicable at the point between the two string segments represented by {string_before, string_after}.


  • string_interval is any 2-tuple consisting of the string before a possible break and the string after a possible break.

  • options is a keyword list of options.



  • true or false or

  • raises an exception if there is an error.


iex> Unicode.String.break? {"This is ", "some words"}

iex> Unicode.String.break? {"This is ", "some words"}, break: :sentence

iex> Unicode.String.break? {"This is one. ", "This is some words."}, break: :sentence
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downcase(string, options \\ [])

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@spec downcase(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Converts all characters in the given string to lower case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :locale is any ISO 639 language code or a LanguageTag which provides integration with ex_cldr applications. The default is :any which signifies the application of the base Unicode casing algorithm.


  • The locale option determines the use of certain locale-specific casing rules. Where no specific casing rules apply to the given locale, the base Unicode casing algorithm is applied. The locales which have customized casing rules are returned by Unicode.String.special_casing_locales/0.


  • downcased_string


iex> Unicode.String.downcase("THE QUICK BROWN FOX")
"the quick brown fox"

# Lower case Greek with a final sigma
iex> Unicode.String.downcase("ὈΔΥΣΣΕΎΣ", locale: :el)

# Lower case in Turkish and Azeri correctly handles
# undotted-i and undotted-I
iex> Unicode.String.downcase("DİYARBAKIR", locale: :tr)
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equals_ignoring_case?(string_a, string_b, mode_or_language_tag \\ nil)

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@spec equals_ignoring_case?(String.t(), String.t(), mode_or_language()) :: boolean()

Compares two strings in a case insensitive manner.

Case folding is applied to the two string arguments which are then compared with the == operator.


  • string_a and string_b are two strings to be compared


  • true or false


  • This function applies the Unicode Case Folding algorithm

  • The algorithm does not apply any treatment to diacritical marks hence "compare strings without accents" is not part of this function.

  • No string normalization is performed. Where the normalization state of the string cannot be guaranteed it is recommended they be normalized before comparison using String.normalize(string, :nfc).


iex> Unicode.String.equals_ignoring_case? "ABC", "abc"

iex> Unicode.String.equals_ignoring_case? "beißen", "beissen"

iex> Unicode.String.equals_ignoring_case? "grüßen", "grussen"
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find_matching_locale(candidates, known_locales, default)

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See Unicode.String.Case.Folding.fold/1.

See Unicode.String.Case.Folding.fold/2.

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next(string, options \\ [])

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@spec next(string :: String.t(), split_options :: [split_option()]) ::
  String.t() | nil | error_return()

Returns next segment in a string.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


A tuple with the segment and the remainder of the string or "" in case the String reached its end.

  • {next_string, rest_of_the_string} or

  • {:error, reason}



iex> "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :word
{"This", " is a sentence. And another."}

iex> "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :sentence
{"This is a sentence. ", "And another."}
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Returms a list of locales that have special casing rules.


iex> Unicode.String.special_casing_locales()
[:az, :el, :lt, :nl, :tr]
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split(string, options \\ [])

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@spec split(string :: String.t(), split_options :: [split_option()]) ::
  [String.t(), ...] | error_return()

Splits a string according to the specified break type.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • A list of strings after applying the specified break rules or

  • {:error, reason}



iex> Unicode.String.split "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :word
["This", " ", "is", " ", "a", " ", "sentence", ".", " ", "And", " ", "another", "."]

iex> Unicode.String.split "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :word, trim: true
["This", "is", "a", "sentence", ".", "And", "another", "."]

iex> Unicode.String.split "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :sentence
["This is a sentence. ", "And another."]
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splitter(string, options)

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@spec splitter(string :: String.t(), split_options :: [split_option()]) ::
  function() | error_return()

Returns an enumerable that splits a string on demand.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • A function that implements the enumerable protocol or

  • {:error, reason}


  • :locale is any locale returned by Unicode.String.Segment.known_segmentation_locales/0 or Unicode.String.Dictionary.known_dictionary_locales/0. The default is "root" which corresponds to the break rules defined by the Unicode Segmentation rules.

  • :break is the type of break. It is one of :grapheme, :word, :line or :sentence. The default is :word.

  • :suppressions is a boolean which, if true, will suppress breaks for common abbreviations defined for the locale. The default is true.

  • :trim is a boolean indicating if segments the are comprised of only white space are to be excluded from the returned list. The default is false.


iex> enum = Unicode.String.splitter "This is a sentence. And another.", break: :word, trim: true
iex> Enum.take enum, 3
["This", "is", "a"]
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stream(string, options \\ [])

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@spec stream(string :: String.t(), split_options :: [split_option()]) ::
  Enumerable.t() | {:error, String.t()}

Return a stream that breaks a string into graphemes, words, sentences or line breaks.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.




iex> Enum.to_list"this is a set of words", trim: true) ["this", "is", "a", "set", "of", "words"]

iex> Enum.to_list"this is a set of words", break: :sentence, trim: true) ["this is a set of words"]

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titlecase(string, options \\ [])

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@spec titlecase(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Converts the given string to title case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.

Title casing is the process of transforming the first character of each word in a string to upper case and the following characters in the word to lower case.

As a result this algorithm does not conform to the norms of all languages and cultures. However special processing is performed for the Dutch dipthong "IJ" when using the :nl casing locale.

Further work will focus on improving title casing of Greek dipthongs.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :locale is any ISO 639 language code or a LanguageTag which provides integration with ex_cldr applications. The default is :any which signifies the application of the base Unicode casing algorithm.



  • title_cased_string.


iex> Unicode.String.titlecase("THE QUICK BROWN FOX")
"The Quick Brown Fox"

# Title case Dutch with leading dipthong
iex> Unicode.String.titlecase("ijsselmeer", locale: :nl)
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upcase(string, options \\ [])

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@spec upcase(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t()

Converts all characters in the given string to upper case according to the Unicode Casing algorithm.


  • string is any String.t/0.

  • options is a keyword list of options.


  • :locale is any ISO 639 language code or a LanguageTag which provides integration with ex_cldr applications. The default is :any which signifies the application of the base Unicode casing algorithm.


  • The locale option determines the use of certain locale-specific casing rules. Where no specific casing rules apply to the given locale, the base Unicode casing algorithm is applied. The locales which have customized casing rules are returned by Unicode.String.special_casing_locales/0.


  • downcased_string


# Basic case transformation
iex> Unicode.String.upcase("the quick brown fox")

# Dotted-I in Turkish and Azeri
iex> Unicode.String.upcase("Diyarbakır", locale: :tr)

# Upper case in Greek removes diacritics
iex> Unicode.String.upcase("Πατάτα, Αέρας, Μυστήριο", locale: :el)