View Source Auto-updating ejected codebases

When using Uniform, we recommend the following setup:

  • Host ejected code repositories on the same platform as your Base Project. (GitHub, GitLab, etc.)
  • Consider those ejected repositories as "untouchable". Only update them via mix uniform.eject.
  • Automate updating ejected repositories with Continuous Integration (CI).


Building your CI pipeline

If you follow the setup recommended above, you'll need to build a Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline that commits updates to your ejected code repositories.

Since each CI tool is configured in a different way, we cannot provide a single example to match your platform. However, we can provide a list of recommended steps to build the pipeline.

In your CI pipeline, we recommend:

  1. Only eject after a successful merge to the main/master branch.
  2. Use mix uniform.ejectable_apps to get a full list of Ejectable Apps. (See below.)
  3. Clone each of your Ejectable Apps so that they're ready to have commits added.
  4. For each app, run mix uniform.eject.
  5. For each app, run git commit. If there are no changes to commit, this will no-op.
  6. Push your changes with git push.

Note that these steps leave out whatever authentication steps are necessary with your git host to clone and push to the repositories. Since each git host is different, you'll have to consult the documentation for yours.


Getting a list of Ejectable Apps

For step 2 above, Uniform ships with a few tools to help you get a full list of your Ejectable Apps.

To output your Ejectable App names in stdout on the command line, use mix uniform.ejectable_apps.

$ mix uniform.ejectable_apps

If you're working in Elixir, you can also use Uniform.ejectable_app_names/0 or Uniform.ejectable_apps/0.