View Source Handling multiple data sources

This guide assumes that you've read the How It Works and Getting Started guides.

If you're using Uniform it's likely that you have multiple databases and/or remote APIs that you query, but you don't want to give every app access to every one.

In this scenario, we recommend creating separate Lib Dependencies (each in its own lib/some_data_source directory) which each encapsulate all of the code for interacting with a single database or API. This implies that each Lib Dependency would house the Ecto Repo as well as all Ecto Schemas and Context modules related to its database.

Structuring the code this way allows you to easily include or exclude the code for a data source in uniform.exs.


An Example

For example, given apps with these uniform.exs manifests

# lib/some_app/uniform.exs
  lib_deps: [:my_data_source]
# lib/another_app/uniform.exs
  lib_deps: [:my_data_source, :other_data_source]
# lib/third_app/uniform.exs
  lib_deps: [:other_data_source]
  • SomeApp would be ejected with all of the code related to interacting with my_data_source
  • AnotherApp would be ejected with the code for both my_data_source and other_data_source
  • ThirdApp would only be ejected with the code for other_data_source


Configuring Lib Dependencies

If you take this approach, make sure to configure your Blueprint module to include any Lib or Mix Dependencies of each data source's library. Also, be sure to include migrations and seeds related to the library.

lib :my_data_source do
  lib_deps [:some_library]
  mix_deps [:faker, ...]

  # `match_dot: true` below to include priv/my_data_source_repo/.formatter.exs
  file "priv/my_data_source_repo/**", match_dot: true