uri_query v0.1.2 UriQuery



For cases when lists and maps are used in GET parameters


params(enumerable, opts \\ [])

For cases when lists and maps are used in GET parameters.

Returns keyword list corresponding to given enumerable that is safe to be encoded into a query string.

Keys and Values can be any term that implements the String.Chars protocol. Lists connot be used as keys. Values can be lists or maps including nested maps.


iex> query = %{“foo” => 1, “bar” => 2} iex> UriQuery.params(query) [{"bar", "2"}, {"foo", "1"}]

iex> query = %{foo: ["bar", "baz"]} iex> UriQuery.params(query) [{"foo[0]", "bar"}, {"foo[1]", "baz"}]

iex> query = %{foo: ["bar", "baz"]} iex> UriQuery.params(query, add_indices_to_lists: false) [{"foo[]", "bar"}, {"foo[]", "baz"}]

iex> query = %{“user” => %{“name” => “John Doe”, “email” => “test@example.com”}} iex> UriQuery.params(query) [{"user[email]", "test@example.com"}, {"user[name]", "John Doe"}]