Module ssh_tunnel

Data Types


location() = {string(), integer()}

Function Index

connect/0Module for creating SSH tunnels using ssh.
connect/3Create a connetion to a remote host with the provided options.
direct_stream_local/2Creates a ssh stream local-forward channel to a remote unix domain socket.
direct_tcpip/3Creates a ssh directtcp-ip forwarded channel to a remote port.
start_tunnel/3Starts a SSHTunnel.Tunnel process.

Function Details


connect() -> any()

Module for creating SSH tunnels using ssh.

It provides functions to create forwarded ssh channels, similair to how other channels can be created using ssh_connection. There are two type of channels supported * directtcp-ip` - Forwards a port from the client machine to the remote machine. This is the same as `ssh -nNT -L * direct-streamlocal - Forwards to a unix domain socket. This is the same as ssh -nNT -L 8080:/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock When using direct_tcpip/3 or direct_stream_local/2 directly there will not be any local port or socket bound, this can either be done using ssh_tunnel or by manually sending data with ssh_connection.send/3. Although connect/1 can be used to connect to the remote host, other methods are supported. One can use [SSHex](, ssh:connect/3 for instance.

## Tunnels Tunnels are on-demand TCP servers and are bound listeners to either a port or a path. The tunnel will handle relaying TCP messages to the ssh connection and back.

## Examples
    {ok, SshRef} = ssh_tunnel:connect("", 22, []),
    {ok, Pid}    = ssh_tunnel:start_tunnel(Pid, {tcpip, {8080, {"", 80}}}),
    % Send a TCP message for instance HTTP
    Resp = HTTPoison.get!(""),
    io:format("Received body: ~p\n", [Resp])


connect(Host :: list() | tuple(),
        Port :: integer(),
        Opts :: list()) ->
           {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}

Create a connetion to a remote host with the provided options. This function is mostly used as convenience wrapper around ssh_connect/3 and does not support all options. returns: {ok, Connection} or {error, Reason}.


direct_stream_local(Pid :: pid(), SocketPath :: string()) ->
                       {ok, integer()} | {error, term()}

Creates a ssh stream local-forward channel to a remote unix domain socket. It sends the request that the server make a connection to its local Unix domain socket. The returned channel together with a ssh connection reference (returned from ssh:connect/4) can be used to send messages with ssh_connection:send/3. returns: {ok, Channel}` or `{error, Reason}. Ex:

  msg = "GET /images/json HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: /var/run/docker.sock\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"
  {ok, Pid} = ssh_tunnel:connect("", 22),
  {ok, Ch}  = ssh_tunnel:direct_stream_local(Pid, "/var/run/docker.sock"),
  ok = ssh_connection.send(Pid, Ch, Msg)


direct_tcpip(Pid :: pid(), From :: location(), To :: location()) ->
                {ok, integer()} | {error, term()}

Creates a ssh directtcp-ip forwarded channel to a remote port. The returned channel together with a ssh connection reference (returned from :ssh.connect/4) can be used to send messages with ssh_connection:send/3 returns: {ok, channel} or {error, reason}. ## Examples: msg = "GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:8080\r\nUser-Agent: curl/7.47.0\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n" {ok, Pid} = ssh_tunnel:connect("", 22), {ok, Ch} = ssh_tunnel:direct_tcpip(Pid, {"", 8080}, {"", 80}), ok = ssh_connection:send(Pid, Ch, Msg), recieve do {ssh_cm, _, {data, Channel, _, Data}} -> io:format("Data: ~p\n", [Data]) end


open_channel(Pid, Type, Msg, WindowSize, MaxPktSz, Timeout) -> any()


start_tunnel(Pid :: pid(),
             Transport :: tcp | local,
             To :: tuple() | integer()) ->
                {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}

Starts a SSHTunnel.Tunnel process. The tunnel will listen to either a local port or local path and handle passing messages between the TCP client and ssh connection. ## Examples {ok, SSH} = ssh_tunnel:connect("", 22), {ok, Pid} = ssh_tunnel:start_tunnel(Pid, tcp, {8080, {"", 80}}) # Send a TCP message %HTTPoison.Response{body: body} = HTTPoison.get!("") IO.puts("Received body: #{body})