

pub fn generate(formatted: Bool) -> String

Generates a new CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) number.

This function generates a new, valid CNPJ number. The generated CNPJ can be formatted or unformatted based on the input parameter.


import utilsbr/cnpj

let formatted_cnpj = cnpj.generate(True)
let unformatted_cnpj = cnpj.generate(False)

assert formatted_cnpj == "12.345.678/0001-95"
assert unformatted_cnpj == "12345678000195"

@param formatted A boolean indicating whether the generated CNPJ should be formatted. @return A string representing the generated CNPJ.

pub fn strict_validate(cnpj: String) -> Bool

Strictly validates a given CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) number.

This function performs a strict validation on the provided CNPJ string. Strict validation requires the input string to adhere strictly to the expected format.


import utilsbr/cnpj

assert True = cnpj.strict_validate("12.345.678/0001-95")
assert False = cnpj.strict_validate("12345678000195")

@param cnpj The CNPJ number to be validated as a string. @return A boolean indicating whether the CNPJ is valid.

pub fn validate(cnpj: String) -> Bool

Validates a given CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica) number.

This function performs a flexible validation on the provided CNPJ string. Flexible validation allows for some leniency in the format of the input string.


import utilsbr/cnpj

assert True = cnpj.validate("12.345.678/0001-95")
assert False = cnpj.validate("12.345.678/0001-00")

@param cnpj The CNPJ number to be validated as a string. @return A boolean indicating whether the CNPJ is valid.

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