VegaLite.Export (VegaLite v0.1.0) View Source

Various export methods for a VegaLite specification.

All of the export functions depend on the :jason package. Additionally the PNG, SVG and PDF exports rely on npm packages, so you will need Node.js, npm, and the following dependencies:

npm install -g vega vega-lite canvas
# or in the current directory
npm install vega vega-lite canvas

Link to this section Summary


Saves a VegaLite specification to file in one of the supported formats.

Builds an HTML page that renders the given graphic.

Returns the underlying Vega-Lite specification as JSON.

Renders the given graphic into a PDF and returns its binary content.

Renders the given graphic as a PNG image and returns its binary content.

Renders the given graphic as an SVG image and returns its binary content.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

save!(vl, path, opts \\ [])

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save!(VegaLite.t(), binary(), keyword()) :: :ok

Saves a VegaLite specification to file in one of the supported formats.


  • :format - the format to export the graphic as, must be either of: :json, :html, :png, :svg, :pdf. By default the format is inferred from the file extension.


to_html(VegaLite.t()) :: binary()

Builds an HTML page that renders the given graphic.

The HTML page loads necessary JavaScript dependencies from a CDN and then renders the graphic in a root element.


to_json(VegaLite.t()) :: String.t()

Returns the underlying Vega-Lite specification as JSON.


to_pdf(VegaLite.t()) :: binary()

Renders the given graphic into a PDF and returns its binary content.

Relies on the npm packages mentioned above.


to_png(VegaLite.t()) :: binary()

Renders the given graphic as a PNG image and returns its binary content.

Relies on the npm packages mentioned above.


to_svg(VegaLite.t()) :: binary()

Renders the given graphic as an SVG image and returns its binary content.

Relies on the npm packages mentioned above.