Versioce.Config.Changelog (Versioce v2.0.0) View Source

Configuration module for versioce changelog generation. see Versioce.Config for more details

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Get config value for anchors

Get config value for changelog_file

Get config value for datagrabber

Get config value for formatter

Get config value for git_origin

Get config value for keepachangelog_semantic

Get config value for unanchored_section

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Get config value for anchors

Anchors to look for in Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber.Git. They will be converted to Versioce.Changelog.Anchors struct

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  anchors: %{added: ["[ADD]"], changed: ["[IMP]"], deprecated: ["[DEP]"], fixed: ["[FIXED]"], removed: ["[REM]"], security: ["[SEC]"]}

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  anchors: fn -> %{added: ["[ADD]"], changed: ["[IMP]"], deprecated: ["[DEP]"], fixed: ["[FIXED]"], removed: ["[REM]"], security: ["[SEC]"]} end

Get config value for changelog_file

File to put your changelog in. File path should be relative to your mix.exs

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  changelog_file: ""

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  changelog_file: fn -> "" end

Get config value for datagrabber

Data grabber for changelog generation. This data is further converted to a proper format with Versioce.Config.Changelog.formatter/0. For custom datagrabber see Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  datagrabber: Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber.Git

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  datagrabber: fn -> Versioce.Changelog.DataGrabber.Git end

Get config value for formatter

Formatter for changelog generation. Formats data from grabbed by Versioce.Config.Changelog.datagrabber. For custom formatter see Versioce.Changelog.Formatter

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  formatter: Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  formatter: fn -> Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog end

Get config value for git_origin

Project repository url for changelog footer generation. If nil, footer section will be ignored. For more info see Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog.make_footer/1

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  git_origin: nil

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  git_origin: fn -> nil end
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Get config value for keepachangelog_semantic

Whether the project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Used in a Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  keepachangelog_semantic: true

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  keepachangelog_semantic: fn -> true end

Get config value for unanchored_section

Section in changelog where unanchored entries should be placed. If nil, they are ignored and won't be added to the changelog. For more info see Versioce.Changelog.Formatter.Keepachangelog

You can configure it with:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  unanchored_section: :other

Value for this configuration should either be a literal value or a function of 0 arity, that will return the value, ex:

config :versioce, :changelog,
  unanchored_section: fn -> :other end