Versioning.Plug (Versioning v0.4.1) View Source

A Plug to assist with versioning an API.

It requires one option:

  • :schema- the versioning schema to use when changing data.

We can easily add our plug to a pipeline with the following:

plug Versioning.Plug, schema: MySchema

The above will store the schema within the conn struct, as well as attempt to apply a version to the request. This information can then be used when changing data to and from the latest version.


  • :header - the header to read when getting the version requested. This defaults to "x-api-version".

  • :fallback - the fallback to occur if no version can be found in the header. This defaults to :latest - which is the latest version in our schema.

    Alternatively, you can specify a {module, function}. This enables more dynamic behaviour - such as fetching a version from a current user or token. The module and function must have an arity of 1 - the conn struct will be passed to it.


This plug can be mounted in a Plug.Builder pipeline as follows:

defmodule MyPlug do
  use Plug.Builder

  plug Versioning.Plug, schema: MySchema, header: "myapi-version", fallback: {MyFallback, :call}
  plug :not_found

  def not_found(conn, _) do
    send_resp(conn, 404, "not found")