Phoenix Usage
Versioning provides extensive support for its usage with Phoenix
. The best way
to get started is by adding some helper functions to your controllers and views.
defmodule YourAppWeb do
# ...
def controller do
quote do
use Phoenix.Controller, namespace: MyAppWeb
# ...
import Versioning.Controller
# ...
def view do
quote do
use Phoenix.View, root: "lib/your_app_web/templates", namespace: "web"
# ...
import Versioning.View
# ...
Followed by adding a plug to your endpoint. Typically, you'll want this plug to be added after you have access to the "current user".
defmodule YourAppWeb.Endpoint do
use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :your_app
# plug ...
plug Versioning.Plug, schema: YourAppWeb.Versioning
plug YourAppWeb.Router
Beyond the above, you'll of course need to setup your versioning schema and changes.
But with the above, you should be good to go! Please consult the documentation
available at Versioning.Controller
for help on how to version params. And please
see the documentation available at Versioning.View
for help on how to version