VintageHeart.Configuration (vintage_heart v0.1.2)

Reads optional configuration for Pulse. Except for in during testing this library use the configuration app :vintage_heart with key, VintageHeart.Pulse.

The following defaults will be used if not otherwise configured:any()

  • heart_callback? - true. Controls whether the application is registed as the :heart callback
  • poll_interval_millis - 10_000 - polls every 10 seconds
  • offline_kick_count - 24 - After 24, or whatever this is configured to, polls without an internet connection then VintageNet is kicked causing an attempted reconnection to the wlan0.
  • offline_status_down_count - 84 - After 84 internet-disconnected polls the status is set to be :down. Unless heart_callback? was false then :heart will detect the status and reboot the device.
  • wizard_hotspot_ip - {192, 168, 0, 1}. When this is the IP address assume that WiFi is being setup via VintageNetWizard, so connectivity checks are suspended.

Note that the wizard hotspot id is not validated.

Link to this section Summary

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

heart_callback?(key \\ VintageHeart.Pulse)

Link to this function

offline_kick_count(key \\ VintageHeart.Pulse)

Link to this function

offline_status_down_count(key \\ VintageHeart.Pulse)

Link to this function

poll_interval_millis(key \\ VintageHeart.Pulse)

Link to this function

wizard_hotspot_ip(key \\ VintageHeart.Pulse)