View Source VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint (vintage_net_wifi v0.12.6)
Information about a WiFi access point
- a unique address for the access point:flags
- a list of flags describing properties on the access point:frequency
- the access point's frequency in MHz:signal_dbm
- the signal strength in dBm:ssid
- the access point's name
Create an AccessPoint when only the BSSID is known
Create a new AccessPoint with all of the information
@type band() :: :wifi_2_4_ghz | :wifi_5_ghz | :unknown
@type flag() :: :ccmp | :eap | :ess | :ibss | :mesh | :p2p | :psk | :rsn_ccmp | :sae | :tkip | :wep | :wpa | :wpa2 | :wps | old_flag()
Access point flags
These flags generally describe the security supported by an access point, but do contain some other details. They're
directly passed on from wpa_supplicant
@type old_flag() ::
| :wpa2_eap_ccmp
| :wpa2_eap_ccmp_tkip
| :wpa2_psk_ccmp_tkip
| :wpa2_psk_sae_ccmp
| :wpa2_sae_ccmp
| :wpa2_ccmp
| :wpa_psk_ccmp
| :wpa_psk_ccmp_tkip
| :wpa_eap_ccmp
| :wpa_eap_ccmp_tkip
Old-style access point flags
Early on with vintage_net_wifi
, flags were not broken up and returned in a list. The WPA3 support made this approach unmaintainable, but these are
kept to avoid breaking code. New code should avoid using these.
@type t() :: %VintageNetWiFi.AccessPoint{ band: band(), bssid: String.t(), channel: non_neg_integer(), flags: [flag()], frequency: non_neg_integer(), signal_dbm: integer(), signal_percent: 0..100, ssid: String.t() }