View Source VintageNetWizard.Web.Endpoint (vintage_net_wizard v0.4.17)
Supervisor for the Web part of the VintageNet Wizard.
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
Start the web server
Stop the web server
@type opt() :: {:ssl, :ssl.tls_server_option()} | {:on_exit, {module(), atom(), list()}} | {:ifname, VintageNet.ifname()} | {:ap_ifname, VintageNet.ifname()} | {:ui, [ui_opt()]} | VintageNetWizard.Backend.opt()
UI specific configuration
- the title of the HTML pages that will be displayed to the user.:title_color
- color of the title for branding purposes:button_color
- color of the buttons for branding purposes
Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.
See Supervisor
@spec start_server([opt()]) :: :ok | {:error, :already_started | :no_keyfile | :no_certfile}
Start the web server
If the web server is started then {:error, already_started}
is returned.
Only one server can be running at a time.
@spec stop_server(VintageNetWizard.stop_reason()) :: :ok
Stop the web server