View Source VintageNetWizard (vintage_net_wizard v0.4.17)

Documentation for VintageNetWizard.



Conditionally run the wizard if there is no configurations present

Run the wizard.

Check if an interface has a configuration


@type stop_reason() :: :shutdown | :timeout


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run_if_unconfigured(opts \\ [])

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@spec run_if_unconfigured([VintageNetWizard.Web.Endpoint.opt()]) ::
  :ok | :configured | {:error, String.t()}

Conditionally run the wizard if there is no configurations present

This function is the same VintageNetWizard.run_wizard/1 however it will first check if there are any configurations for the interface.

This is useful if you want a device to start the wizard only if there are no configurations for the interface. When there are configurations found for the interface this function returns :configured to let the consuming application know that the wizard wasn't needed.

If you want more control on how to start the wizard or if you want to force start the wizard you can call VintageNetWizard.run_wizard/1.

@spec run_wizard([VintageNetWizard.Web.Endpoint.opt()]) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Run the wizard.

This means the WiFi module will be put into access point mode and the web server will be started.


  • :backend - Implementation for communicating with the network drivers (defaults to VintageNetWizard.Backend.Default)
  • :captive_portal - Whether to run in captive portal mode (defaults to true)
  • :device_info - A list of string tuples to render in a table in the footer (see
  • :ifname - The network interface to use (defaults to "wlan0")
  • :ap_ifname - The network interface to use to run the endpoint. Defaults to the value of ifname.
  • :inactivity_timeout - Minutes to run before automatically stopping (defaults to 10 minutes) or :infinity to disable the timeout
  • :on_exit - {module, function, args} tuple specifying callback to perform after stopping the server.
  • :ssl - A Keyword list of :ssl.tls_server_options. See Plug.SSL.configure/1.
  • :ui - a subset of UI configuration for title, title color, and button color.
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stop_wizard(stop_reason \\ :shutdown)

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@spec stop_wizard(stop_reason()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Stop the wizard.

This will apply the current configuration in memory and completely stop the web and backend processes.

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@spec wifi_configured?(VintageNet.ifname()) :: boolean()

Check if an interface has a configuration