View Source VintageNetWizard.WiFiConfiguration (vintage_net_wizard v0.4.17)

Module for working with various WiFi configurations



Get the key_mgmt type from the particular WiFi Configuration

Make a network config from a JSON request from the VintageNetWizard client

Convert a key_mgmt string into a key_mgmt

Get a human friendly name for the type of security of a WiFiConfiguration

Get the expected timeout in milisecs for a particular configuration


@type key_mgmt() :: :none | :wpa_psk | :wpa_eap


@spec get_key_mgmt(map()) :: key_mgmt()

Get the key_mgmt type from the particular WiFi Configuration

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@spec json_to_network_config(map()) ::
  {:ok, map()}
  | {:error, VintageNetWizard.WiFiConfiguration.Params.param_error()}

Make a network config from a JSON request from the VintageNetWizard client

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@spec key_mgmt_from_string(String.t()) ::
  {:ok, key_mgmt()} | {:error, :invalid_key_mgmt}

Convert a key_mgmt string into a key_mgmt

@spec security_name(%{key_mgmt: key_mgmt()}) :: String.t()

Get a human friendly name for the type of security of a WiFiConfiguration

@spec timeout(%{key_mgmt: key_mgmt()}) :: 30000 | 75000

Get the expected timeout in milisecs for a particular configuration