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General purpose validation functions for HTML, CSS, and SVG documents.



Checks if the results of Vnu.validate_html/2, Vnu.validate_css/2, or Vnu.validate_svg/2 determined the document to be valid.

Validates the given CSS document.

Same as validate_css/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.

Validates the given HTML document.

Same as validate_svg/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.

Validates the given SVG document.

Same as validate_svg/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.


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valid?(result, opts \\ [])

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Checks if the results of Vnu.validate_html/2, Vnu.validate_css/2, or Vnu.validate_svg/2 determined the document to be valid.


  • :server_url - The URL of the Checker server. Defaults to http://localhost:8888.
  • :fail_on_warnings - Messages of type :info and subtype :warning will be treated as if they were validation errors. Their presence will mean the document is invalid. Defaults to false.
  • :http_client - A module implementing the Vnu.HTTPClient behaviour that will be used to make the HTTP request to the server. Defaults to Vnu.HTTPClient.Hackney.


iex> {:ok, result} = Vnu.validate_html("", server_url: System.get_env("VNU_SERVER_URL") || "http://localhost:8888")
iex> Vnu.valid?(result)

iex> {:ok, result} = Vnu.validate_html(~S(
...><!DOCTYPE html>
...>  <meta charset="utf-8">
...>  <title>Hello World</title>
...>), server_url: System.get_env("VNU_SERVER_URL") || "http://localhost:8888")
iex> [message] = result.messages
iex> message.message
"Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document."
iex> message.sub_type
iex> Vnu.valid?(result)
iex> Vnu.valid?(result, fail_on_warnings: true)
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validate_css(css, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_css(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Vnu.Result.t()} | {:error, Vnu.Error.t()}

Validates the given CSS document.

See validate_html/2 for the list of options and other details.


iex> Vnu.validate_css(".button { display: banana; }", server_url: System.get_env("VNU_SERVER_URL") || "http://localhost:8888")
{:ok, %Vnu.Result{messages: [
    type: :error,
    message: "“display”: “banana” is not a “display” value.",
    extract: ".button { display: banana; }\n",
    first_line: 1,
    last_line: 1,
    first_column: 20,
    last_column: 25,
    hilite_length: 6,
    hilite_start: 19,

iex> Vnu.validate_css("", server_url: "http://wrong-domain")
{:error, %Vnu.Error{
  reason: :unexpected_server_response,
  message: "Could not contact the server, got error: :nxdomain"
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validate_css!(css, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_css!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vnu.Result.t() | no_return()

Same as validate_css/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.

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validate_html(html, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_html(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Vnu.Result.t()} | {:error, Vnu.Error.t()}

Validates the given HTML document.

Returns {:ok, %Vnu.Result{}} if the validation process finished successfully, and {:error, %Vnu.Error{}} otherwise. Note that the {:ok, %Vnu.Result{}} return value does not mean necessarily that the document is valid. See Vnu.valid?/1 and Vnu.Message for interpreting the result.


  • :server_url - The URL of the Checker server. Defaults to http://localhost:8888.
  • :filter - A module implementing the Vnu.MessageFilter behavior that will be used to exclude messages matching the filter from the result. Defaults to nil (no excluded messages).
  • :http_client - A module implementing the Vnu.HTTPClient behaviour that will be used to make the HTTP request to the server. Defaults to Vnu.HTTPClient.Hackney.


iex> Vnu.validate_html(~S(
...><!DOCTYPE html>
...>  <meta charset="utf-8">
...>), server_url: System.get_env("VNU_SERVER_URL") || "http://localhost:8888")
{:ok, %Vnu.Result{messages: [
    type: :error,
    message: "Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.",
    extract: "=\"utf-8\">\n</head>\n<body",
    first_line: 6,
    last_line: 6,
    first_column: 1,
    last_column: 7,
    hilite_length: 7,
    hilite_start: 10
    type: :info,
    sub_type: :warning,
    message: "Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.",
    extract: "TYPE html>\n<html>\n<head",
    first_line: 2,
    last_line: 3,
    first_column: 16,
    last_column: 6,
    hilite_length: 7,
    hilite_start: 10,

iex> Vnu.validate_html("", server_url: "http://wrong-domain")
{:error, %Vnu.Error{
  reason: :unexpected_server_response,
  message: "Could not contact the server, got error: :nxdomain"
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validate_html!(html, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_html!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vnu.Result.t() | no_return()

Same as validate_svg/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.

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validate_svg(svg, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_svg(String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
  {:ok, Vnu.Result.t()} | {:error, Vnu.Error.t()}

Validates the given SVG document.

See validate_html/2 for the list of options and other details.


iex> Vnu.validate_svg(~S(
...><svg width="5cm" height="4cm" version="1.1" xmlns="">
...><rect x="0.5cm" y="0.5cm" height="1cm"/>
...> ), server_url: System.get_env("VNU_SERVER_URL") || "http://localhost:8888")
{:ok, %Vnu.Result{messages: [
    type: :info,
    message: "Using the preset for SVG 1.1 + URL + HTML + MathML 3.0 based on the root namespace."
    type: :error,
    message: "SVG element “rect” is missing required attribute “width”.",
    extract: "le</desc>\n<rect x=\"0.5cm\" y=\"0.5cm\" height=\"1cm\"/>\n</svg",
    first_line: 4,
    last_line: 4,
    first_column: 1,
    last_column: 40,
    hilite_length: 40,
    hilite_start: 10,

iex> Vnu.validate_svg("", server_url: "http://wrong-domain")
{:error, %Vnu.Error{
  reason: :unexpected_server_response,
  message: "Could not contact the server, got error: :nxdomain"
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validate_svg!(svg, opts \\ [])

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@spec validate_svg!(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Vnu.Result.t() | no_return()

Same as validate_svg/2 but returns %Vnu.Result{} or raises %Vnu.Error{}.