View Source Usage

There are 3 different ways of using this library:

ExUnit assertions

If you are building an application that generates HTML, CSS, or SVG files, you might want to use those validations in your tests.

Phoenix example

I would recommend defining a local assert_valid_html function in your ConnCase to have a single place to pass your default options.

defmodule PhoenixAppWeb.ConnCase do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate

  using do
    quote do
      # ...
      def assert_valid_html(html, vnu_opts \\ []) do
        default_vnu_opts = [
          server_url: "http://localhost:8888/",
          filter: PhoenixAppWeb.VnuHTMLMessageFilter,
          fail_on_warnings: true

        Vnu.Assertions.assert_valid_html(html, Keyword.merge(default_vnu_opts, vnu_opts))

Then, you can use this function in your controller tests, LiveView tests, and integration tests.

Controller tests

defmodule PhoenixAppWeb.PageControllerTest do
  use PhoenixAppWeb.ConnCase

  test "GET /", %{conn: conn} do
    conn = get(conn, "/")

    html_response =
      |> html_response(200)
      |> assert_valid_html()

    assert html_response =~ "Peace of mind from prototype to production"

LiveView tests

The LiveView test function Phoenix.LiveViewTest.html#live/2 returns the view's HTML without a doctype. This makes it necessary to create another helper function that will prepend the right doctype to the HTML before sending it to the validator.

defmodule PhoenixAppWeb.ConnCase do
  use ExUnit.CaseTemplate

  using do
    quote do
      # ...
      def assert_valid_html_without_doctype(html, vnu_opts \\ []) do
        assert_valid_html("<!DOCTYPE html>\n#{html}", vnu_opts)
test "/live disconnected and connected mount", %{conn: conn} do
  conn = get(conn, ~p"/live")
  |> html_response(200)
  |> assert_valid_html()
  {:ok, _index_live, html} = live(conn)

At the moment, LiveView does not offer a public API to get the updated full page HTML after the initial render. This makes it impossible to assert whether the HTML is still valid after updates because the Nu HTML Checker (v.Nu) doesn't offer validating HTML fragments, only full documents.

Hound integration tests

If you're using Hound for your integration tests, you can call page_source and use HTML validations in our integration tests too.


Mix tasks

If you have static HTML, CSS, or SVG files in your project, you might want to validate them with those mix tasks:


$ mix vnu.validate.css --server-url http://localhost:8888 assets/**/*.css

Other needs

If you need HTML, CSS, or SVG validation for something else, try one of those functions:


iex> {:ok, result} = Vnu.validate_html("<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head></html>",
  server_url: "http://localhost:8888")
   messages: [
       extract: "tml><head></head></html",
       first_column: 28,
       first_line: 1,
       hilite_length: 7,
       hilite_start: 10,
       last_column: 34,
       last_line: 1,
       message: "Element “head” is missing a required instance of child element “title”.",
       offset: nil,
       sub_type: nil,
       type: :error
       extract: "TYPE html><html><head>",
       first_column: 16,
       first_line: 1,
       hilite_length: 6,
       hilite_start: 10,
       last_column: 21,
       last_line: 1,
       message: "Consider adding a “lang” attribute to the “html” start tag to declare the language of this document.",
       offset: nil,
       sub_type: :warning,
       type: :info

iex> Vnu.valid?(result)