View Source Wafer.Registers (wafer v1.1.0)

This module provides helpful macros for specifying the registers used to communicate with your device.

This can be a massive time saver, and means you can basically just copy them straight out of the datasheet.

See the documentation for defregister/4 for more information.



Define functions for interacting with a device register with common defaults.

Define functions for interacting with a device register.


@type access_mode() :: :ro | :rw | :wo
@type bytes() :: non_neg_integer()
@type register_name() :: atom()


Link to this macro

defregister(name, register_address, mode)

View Source (macro)
@spec defregister(atom(), non_neg_integer(), :ro | :rw | :wo | non_neg_integer()) ::

Define functions for interacting with a device register with common defaults.


When specified with an access mode, assumes a 1 byte register:

iex> defregister(:status, 0x03, :ro)

When specified with a byte size, assumes a :rw register:

iex> defregister(:config, 0x02, 2)
Link to this macro

defregister(name, register_address, atom, bytes)

View Source (macro)
@spec defregister(atom(), non_neg_integer(), :ro | :rw | :wo, non_neg_integer()) ::

Define functions for interacting with a device register.


  • name - name of the register.
  • register_address - the address of the register.
  • mode the access mode of the register.
  • bytes the number of bytes in the register.


Read-only registers

Define a read-only register named status at address 0x03 which is a single byte wide:

iex> defregister(:status, 0x03, :ro, 1)

This will define the following function along with documentation and typespecs:

def read_status(conn), do: Chip.read_register(conn, 0x03, 1)

Write-only registers

Define a write-only register named int_en at address 0x02 which is 2 bytes wide:

iex> defregister(:int_en, 0x02, :wo, 2)

This will define the following functions along with documentation and typespecs:

def write_int_en(conn, data)
    when is_binary(data) and byte_size(data) == 2,
    do: Chip.write_register(conn, 0x2, data)

def write_int_en(_conn, data),
    do: {:error, "Argument error: #{inspect(data)}"}

Read-write registers.

Define a read-write register named config at address 0x01.

iex> defregister(:config, 0x01, :rw, 1)

In addition to defining read_config/1 and write_config/2 as per the examples above it will also generate the following functions along with documentation and typespecs:

def swap_config(conn, data)
    when is_binary(data) and byte_size(data) == 1,
    do: Chip.swap_register(conn, 0x01, data)

def swap_config(_conn, data),
    do: {:error, "Argument error: #{inspect(data)}"}

def update_config(conn, callback)
    when is_function(callback, 1) do
      with {:ok, data} <- Chip.read_register(conn, 0x01, 1),
           new_data when is_binary(new_data) and byte_size(new_data) == 1 <- callback.(data),
           {:ok, conn} <- Chip.write_register(conn, 0x01, new_data),
           do: {:ok, conn}

def update_config(_conn, _callback),
    do: {:error, "Argument error: callback should be an arity 1 function"}