

Cloud configuration for an RSS channel

pub type Cloud {
    domain: String,
    port: Int,
    path: String,
    register_procedure: String,
    protocol: String,


  • Cloud(
      domain: String,
      port: Int,
      path: String,
      register_procedure: String,
      protocol: String,


    • domain

      The domain of the cloud service

    • port

      The port for the cloud service

    • path

      The path for the cloud service

    • register_procedure

      The registration procedure for the cloud service (usually “http-post” or “xml-rpc”)

    • protocol

      The protocol used for the cloud service

An enclosure resource for an RSS item

pub type Enclosure {
  Enclosure(url: String, length: Int, enclosure_type: String)


  • Enclosure(url: String, length: Int, enclosure_type: String)


    • url

      The URL of the enclosure resource

    • length

      The length of the enclosure in bytes

    • enclosure_type

      The type of the enclosure (e.g., audio/mpeg, video/mp4)

An image associated with a RSS channel

pub type Image {
    url: String,
    title: String,
    link: String,
    description: Option(String),
    width: Option(Int),
    height: Option(Int),


  • Image(
      url: String,
      title: String,
      link: String,
      description: Option(String),
      width: Option(Int),
      height: Option(Int),


    • url

      The URL of the image

    • title

      The title of the image

    • link

      The link associated with the image

    • description

      An optional description of the image

    • width

      An optional width of the image in pixels

    • height

      An optional height of the image in pixels

RSS 2.0.1 spec compliant channel

pub type RssChannel {
    title: String,
    link: String,
    description: String,
    language: Option(String),
    copyright: Option(String),
    managing_editor: Option(String),
    web_master: Option(String),
    pub_date: Option(Time),
    last_build_date: Option(Time),
    categories: List(String),
    generator: Option(String),
    docs: Option(String),
    cloud: Option(Cloud),
    ttl: Option(Int),
    image: Option(Image),
    text_input: Option(TextInput),
    skip_hours: List(Int),
    skip_days: List(birl.Weekday),
    items: List(RssItem),


  • RssChannel(
      title: String,
      link: String,
      description: String,
      language: Option(String),
      copyright: Option(String),
      managing_editor: Option(String),
      web_master: Option(String),
      pub_date: Option(Time),
      last_build_date: Option(Time),
      categories: List(String),
      generator: Option(String),
      docs: Option(String),
      cloud: Option(Cloud),
      ttl: Option(Int),
      image: Option(Image),
      text_input: Option(TextInput),
      skip_hours: List(Int),
      skip_days: List(birl.Weekday),
      items: List(RssItem),


    • title

      The title of the RSS channel

    • link

      The link to the top page of the RSS channel

    • description

      The description of the RSS channel

    • language

      The language of the RSS channel

    • copyright

      The copyright information for the RSS channel

    • managing_editor

      The managing editor’s email address

    • web_master

      The web master’s email address

    • pub_date

      The publication date of the RSS channel

    • last_build_date

      The last build date of the RSS channel

    • categories

      A list of categories for the RSS channel

    • generator

      The generator program of the RSS channel, feel free to shout webls out!

    • docs

      A link to the documentation for the RSS spec

    • cloud

      Cloud configuration for the RSS channel

    • ttl

      The time-to-live (TTL) for the RSS channel

    • image

      An optional image associated with the RSS channel

    • text_input

      An optional text input for the RSS channel

    • skip_hours

      A list of hours in GMT which content aggregation should be skipped

    • skip_days

      A list of days to skip in the RSS channel

    • items

      A list of items in the RSS channel

RSS 2.0.1 spec compliant item

pub type RssItem {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    link: Option(String),
    author: Option(String),
    comments: Option(String),
    source: Option(String),
    pub_date: Option(Time),
    categories: List(String),
    enclosure: Option(Enclosure),
    guid: Option(#(String, Option(Bool))),


  • RssItem(
      title: String,
      description: String,
      link: Option(String),
      author: Option(String),
      comments: Option(String),
      source: Option(String),
      pub_date: Option(Time),
      categories: List(String),
      enclosure: Option(Enclosure),
      guid: Option(#(String, Option(Bool))),


    • title

      The title of the RSS item

    • description

      The description of the RSS item

    • link

      The link to the page or source of the RSS item

    • author

      An optional author field, note RSS author must be email addresses

    • comments

      A URL to the comments section for the RSS item

    • source

      The RSS channel the item came from

    • pub_date

      The publication date of the RSS item

    • categories

      A list of categories for the RSS item

    • enclosure

      An optional enclosure resource for the RSS item

    • guid

      A guid and an optional boolean for whether it is a permalink

A text input field for an RSS channel

pub type TextInput {
    title: String,
    description: String,
    name: String,
    link: String,


  • TextInput(
      title: String,
      description: String,
      name: String,
      link: String,


    • title

      The title of the text input field

    • description

      A description of the text input field’s purpose

    • name

      The name attribute for the text input field

    • link

      The link associated with the text input field


pub fn channel(
  title: String,
  description: String,
  link: String,
) -> RssChannel

Creates a base RSS channel

pub fn item(title: String, description: String) -> RssItem

Creates a base RSS item

pub fn to_string(channels: List(RssChannel)) -> String

Converts a list of RSS channels to a string of a valid RSS 2.0.1 feed

pub fn with_channel_categories(
  channel: RssChannel,
  categories: List(String),
) -> RssChannel

Adds a list of categories to the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_category(
  channel: RssChannel,
  category: String,
) -> RssChannel

Adds a category to the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_cloud(
  channel: RssChannel,
  cloud: Cloud,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the cloud element for the RSS channel with a domain, port, path, register procedure, and protocol

pub fn with_channel_copyright(
  channel: RssChannel,
  copyright: String,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the copyright information for the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_custom_generator(
  channel: RssChannel,
  generator: String,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the generator element for the RSS channel with a custom string

pub fn with_channel_docs(channel: RssChannel) -> RssChannel

Adds the RSS 2.0.1 spec documentation link to the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_generator(channel: RssChannel) -> RssChannel

Sets the generator element for the RSS channel to webls

pub fn with_channel_image(
  channel: RssChannel,
  image: Image,
) -> RssChannel

Sets an optional image associated with the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_item(
  channel: RssChannel,
  item: RssItem,
) -> RssChannel

Adds a RSS item to the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_items(
  channel: RssChannel,
  items: List(RssItem),
) -> RssChannel

Adds a list of items in the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_language(
  channel: RssChannel,
  language: String,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the language of the RSS channel example: “en-us”

pub fn with_channel_last_build_date(
  channel: RssChannel,
  last_build_date: Time,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the last build date of the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_managing_editor(
  channel: RssChannel,
  managing_editor: String,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the managing editor’s email address for the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_pub_date(
  channel: RssChannel,
  pub_date: Time,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the publication date of the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_skip_days(
  channel: RssChannel,
  skip_days: List(Weekday),
) -> RssChannel

Sets a list of days to skip in the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_skip_hours(
  channel: RssChannel,
  skip_hours: List(Int),
) -> RssChannel

Sets a list of hours in GMT which content aggregation should be skipped

pub fn with_channel_text_input(
  channel: RssChannel,
  text_input: TextInput,
) -> RssChannel

Sets an optional text input for the RSS channel

pub fn with_channel_ttl(
  channel: RssChannel,
  ttl: Int,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the time-to-live (TTL) for the RSS channel in minutes

pub fn with_channel_web_master(
  channel: RssChannel,
  web_master: String,
) -> RssChannel

Sets the web master’s email address for the RSS channel

pub fn with_item_author(item: RssItem, author: String) -> RssItem

Sets an optional author field, note RSS author must be email addresses

pub fn with_item_categories(
  item: RssItem,
  categories: List(String),
) -> RssItem

Sets a list of categories for the RSS item

pub fn with_item_comments(
  item: RssItem,
  comments: String,
) -> RssItem

Sets a URL to the comments section for the RSS item

pub fn with_item_enclosure(
  item: RssItem,
  enclosure: Enclosure,
) -> RssItem

Sets an optional enclosure (media resource) for the RSS item

pub fn with_item_guid(
  item: RssItem,
  guid: #(String, Option(Bool)),
) -> RssItem

Sets the guid of the RSS item with an optional boolean for whether it is a permalink

pub fn with_item_link(item: RssItem, link: String) -> RssItem

Sets the link to the page or source of the RSS item

pub fn with_item_pub_date(
  item: RssItem,
  pub_date: Time,
) -> RssItem

Sets the publication date of the RSS item

pub fn with_item_source(item: RssItem, source: String) -> RssItem

Sets the RSS channel the item came from

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