View Source WebSockAdapter.UpgradeValidation (WebSockAdapter v0.5.6)

Provides validation of WebSocket upgrade requests as described in RFC6455§4.2 & RFC8441§5

The validate_upgrade/1 function is called internally by WebSockAdapter.upgrade/4; there is no need to call it yourself before attempting an upgrade (though doing so is harmless)

Link to this section Summary


Validates that the request satisfies the requirements to issue a WebSocket upgrade response.

Link to this section Functions

@spec validate_upgrade(Plug.Conn.t()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Validates that the request satisfies the requirements to issue a WebSocket upgrade response.

Validations are performed based on the clauses laid out in RFC6455§4.2 & RFC8441§5

This function does not actually perform an upgrade or change the connection in any way. Regardless of whether or not this function indicates a satisfactory connection, the underlying web server MAY still choose to not perform the upgrade (this scenario likely indicates a discrepancy between the validations done here and those done in the underlying web server & would merit further investigation)

Returns :ok if the connection satisfies the requirements for a WebSocket upgrade, and {:error, reason} if not

@spec validate_upgrade!(Plug.Conn.t()) :: :ok

Raising variant of validate_upgrade/1.

Returns :ok if the connection satisfies the requirements for a WebSocket upgrade, and raises a WebSockAdapter.UpgradeError error if validation fails.