Witchcraft.Functor (Witchcraft v1.0.4) View Source

Functors are datatypes that allow the application of functions to their interior values. Always returns data in the same structure (same size, tree layout, and so on).

Please note that bitstrings are not functors, as they fail the functor composition constraint. They change the structure of the underlying data, and thus composed lifting does not equal lifing a composed function. If you need to map over a bitstring, convert it to and from a charlist.

Type Class

An instance of Witchcraft.Functor must define Witchcraft.Functor.map/2.

Functor  [map/2]

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~>/2 with arguments flipped.

Operator alias for lift/2

map with its arguments flipped.

async_map/2 with arguments flipped.

The same as async_map/2, except with the mapping function curried

map a function over a data structure, with each mapping occuring asynchronously.

async_lift/2 with arguments flipped.

map/2 but with the function automatically curried

map a function into one layer of a data wrapper. There is an autocurrying variant: lift/2.

lift/2 but with arguments flipped.

Replace all inner elements with a constant value

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~>/2 with arguments flipped.

iex> (fn x -> x + 5 end) <~ [1,2,3]
[6, 7, 8]

Note that the mnemonic is flipped from |>, and combinging directions can be confusing. It's generally recommended to use ~>, or to keep <~ on the same line both of it's arguments:

iex> fn(x, y) -> x + y end <~ [1, 2, 3]
...> |> List.first()
...> |> apply([9])

...or in an expression that's only pointing left:

iex> fn y -> y * 10 end
...> <~ fn x -> x + 55 end
...> <~ [1, 2, 3]
[560, 570, 580]

Operator alias for lift/2


iex> [1, 2, 3]
...> ~> fn x -> x + 55 end
...> ~> fn y -> y * 10 end
[560, 570, 580]

iex> [1, 2, 3]
...> ~> fn(x, y) -> x + y end
...> |> List.first()
...> |> apply([9])


across((any() -> any()), t()) :: t()

map with its arguments flipped.


iex> across(fn x -> x + 1 end, [1, 2, 3])
[2, 3, 4]

iex> fn
...>   int when is_integer(int) -> int * 100
...>   value -> inspect(value)
...> end
...> |> across(%{a: 2, b: [1, 2, 3]})
%{a: 200, b: "[1, 2, 3]"}
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async_across(fun, functor)

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async_across((any() -> any()), t()) :: t()

async_map/2 with arguments flipped.


iex> fn x -> x * 10 end
...> |> async_across([1, 2, 3])
[10, 20, 30]

fn x ->
  x * 10
|> async_across(Enumto_list(0..10_000))
#=> [0, 10, ...] in around a second
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async_lift(functor, fun)

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async_lift(t(), (... -> any())) :: t()

The same as async_map/2, except with the mapping function curried


iex> async_lift([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 10 end)
[10, 20, 30]

|> Enum.to_list()
|> async_lift(fn x ->
  x * 10
#=> [0, 10, ...] in around a second


async_map(t(), (any() -> any())) :: t()

map a function over a data structure, with each mapping occuring asynchronously.

Especially helpful when each application take a long time.


iex> async_map([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x * 10 end)
[10, 20, 30]

|> Enum.to_list()
|> async_map(fn x ->
  x * 10
#=> [0, 10, ...] in around a second
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async_over(fun, functor)

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async_over((... -> any()), t()) :: t()

async_lift/2 with arguments flipped.


iex> fn x -> x * 10 end
...> |> async_over([1, 2, 3])
[10, 20, 30]

fn x ->
  x * 10
|> async_over(Enumto_list(0..10_000))
#=> [0, 10, ...] in around a second


lift(t(), (... -> any())) :: t()

map/2 but with the function automatically curried


iex> lift([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x + 1 end)
[2, 3, 4]

iex> [1, 2, 3]
...> |> lift(fn x -> x + 55 end)
...> |> lift(fn y -> y * 10 end)
[560, 570, 580]

iex> [1, 2, 3]
...> |> lift(fn(x, y) -> x + y end)
...> |> List.first()
...> |> apply([9])


map(t(), (any() -> any())) :: t()

map a function into one layer of a data wrapper. There is an autocurrying variant: lift/2.


iex> map([1, 2, 3], fn x -> x + 1 end)
[2, 3, 4]

iex> %{a: 1, b: 2} ~> fn x -> x * 10 end
%{a: 10, b: 20}

iex> map(%{a: 2, b: [1, 2, 3]}, fn
...>   int when is_integer(int) -> int * 100
...>   value -> inspect(value)
...> end)
%{a: 200, b: "[1, 2, 3]"}


over((... -> any()), t()) :: t()

lift/2 but with arguments flipped.


iex> fn x -> x + 1 end |> over([1, 2, 3])
[2, 3, 4]
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replace(wrapped, replace_with)

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replace(t(), any()) :: t()

Replace all inner elements with a constant value


iex> replace([1, 2, 3], "hi")
["hi", "hi", "hi"]