Wobserver v0.1.8 Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter behaviour View Source


Link to this section Summary


Format a set of data with a label for a metric parser/aggregater

Formats a keyword list of metrics using a given formatter

Merges formatted sets of metrics from different nodes together using a given formatter


Combines formatted metrics together

Format a set of data with a label

Merges formatted sets of metrics from different nodes together

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function format(data, label, type \\ nil, help \\ nil, formatter \\ nil) View Source
format(data :: any, label :: String.t, type :: :gauge | :counter | nil, help :: String.t | nil, formatter :: atom | nil) ::
  String.t |

Format a set of data with a label for a metric parser/aggregater.

The following options can also be given:

  • type, the type of the metric. The following values are currently supported: :gauge, :counter.
  • help, a single line text description of the metric.
  • formatter, a module implementing the Formatter behaviour to format metrics.
Link to this function format_all(data, formatter \\ nil) View Source
format_all(data :: list, formatter :: atom) :: String.t | :error

Formats a keyword list of metrics using a given formatter.


The key is the name of the metric and the value can be given in the following formats:

  • data
  • {data, type}
  • {data, type, help}

The different fields are:

  • data, the actual metrics information.
  • type, the type of the metric. Possible values: :gauge, :counter.
  • help, a one line text description of the metric.

The data can be given in the following formats:

  • integer | float, just a single value.
  • map, where every key will be turned into a type value.
  • keyword list, where every key will be turned into a type value
  • list of tuples with the following format: {value, labels}, where labels is a keyword list with labels and their values.
  • function | string, a function or String that can be evaluated to a function, which, when called, returns one of the above data-types.


iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: 5]
"simple{node=\"\"} 5\n"
iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: {5, :gauge}]
"# TYPE simple gauge\nsimple{node=\"\"} 5\n"
iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: {5, :gauge, "Example desc."}]
"# HELP simple Example desc.\n
# TYPE simple gauge\n
simple{node=\"\"} 5\n"
iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: %{floor: 5, wall: 8}]
"simple{node=\"\",type=\"floor\"} 5\n
simple{node=\"\",type=\"wall\"} 8\n"
iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: [floor: 5, wall: 8]]
"simple{node=\"\",type=\"floor\"} 5\n
simple{node=\"\",type=\"wall\"} 8\n"
iex> Wobserver.Util.Metrics.Formatter.format_all [simple: [{5, [location: :floor]}, {8, [location: :wall]}]]
"simple{node=\"\",location=\"floor\"} 5\n
simple{node=\"\",location=\"wall\"} 8\n"
Link to this function merge_metrics(metrics, formatter \\ nil) View Source
merge_metrics(metrics :: [String.t], formatter :: atom) ::
  String.t |

Merges formatted sets of metrics from different nodes together using a given formatter.

The merge should prevent double declarations of help and type.


  • metrics, a list of formatted sets metrics for multiple node.

Link to this section Callbacks

Combines formatted metrics together.


  • metrics, a list of formatted metrics for one node.
Link to this callback format_data(name, data, type, help) View Source
format_data(name :: String.t, data :: [{integer | float, keyword}], type :: :atom, help :: String.t) :: String.t

Format a set of data with a label.

The data must be given as a list of tuples with the following format: {value, labels}, where labels is a keyword list with labels and their values.

The following options can also be given:

  • type, the type of the metric. The following values are currently supported: :gauge, :counter.
  • help, a single line text description of the metric.

Merges formatted sets of metrics from different nodes together.

The merge should prevent double declarations of help and type.


  • metrics, a list of formatted sets metrics for multiple node.