View Source WorkOS.AuditLogs (WorkOS SDK for Elixir v1.1.0)
Manage Audit Logs in WorkOS.
Creates an Audit Log Event.
Creates an Audit Log Export.
Gets an Audit Log Export given an ID.
@spec create_event(WorkOS.Client.t(), map()) :: WorkOS.Client.response(WorkOS.Empty.t())
Creates an Audit Log Event.
Parameter options:
- The unique ID of the Organization. (required):event
- The Audit Log Event to be created. (required):idempotency_key
- A unique string as the value. Each subsequent request matching this unique string will return the same response.
@spec create_export(WorkOS.Client.t(), map()) :: WorkOS.Client.response(WorkOS.AuditLogs.Export.t())
Creates an Audit Log Export.
Parameter options:
- The unique ID of the Organization. (required):range_start
- ISO-8601 value for start of the export range. (required):range_end
- ISO-8601 value for end of the export range. (required):actions
- List of actions to filter against.:actors
- List of actor names to filter against.:targets
- List of target types to filter against.
@spec get_export(WorkOS.Client.t(), String.t()) :: WorkOS.Client.response(WorkOS.AuditLogs.Export.t())
Gets an Audit Log Export given an ID.