View Source WorkOS.AuditLogs (WorkOS SDK for Elixir v1.1.0)

Manage Audit Logs in WorkOS.




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create_event(client \\ WorkOS.client(), opts)

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@spec create_event(WorkOS.Client.t(), map()) ::

Creates an Audit Log Event.

Parameter options:

  • :organization_id - The unique ID of the Organization. (required)
  • :event - The Audit Log Event to be created. (required)
  • :idempotency_key - A unique string as the value. Each subsequent request matching this unique string will return the same response.
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create_export(client \\ WorkOS.client(), opts)

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Creates an Audit Log Export.

Parameter options:

  • :organization_id - The unique ID of the Organization. (required)
  • :range_start - ISO-8601 value for start of the export range. (required)
  • :range_end - ISO-8601 value for end of the export range. (required)
  • :actions - List of actions to filter against.
  • :actors - List of actor names to filter against.
  • :targets - List of target types to filter against.
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get_export(client \\ WorkOS.client(), audit_log_export_id)

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Gets an Audit Log Export given an ID.